OCCT RAM test error


May 27, 2007

My system is in my sig
Everything is stable (Prime95/3DMark/PCMark/Cinebench/Sandra/Memtest/Encore CS3/DivX...)

I tested OCCT and the CPU+RAM and CPU tests are ok

RAM test will always fail after few mn
I set everything stock (COU+RAM include timings) and it will still fail

What does this mean, I can't pass OCCT RAM test even on stock settings while everything else is stable. Is OCCT buggy?
If you read my post well, you will see Memtest in my list f tested benching programs
Anyhow, it seems in my case, and the case of many others as an OCCT bug.
You can follow the debate here on a french forum if some one is interested

If others have such errors, you can resume it as follow:
If an error.dat file is generated, look at it:
codes 1,2,3,6: calculation error, bad for you
codes 4,5: OCCT memory management error (bad for OCCT)
codes 7 and 7+: OCCT bugs

If no error file, OCCT bug

Well, hope my expierience will help some OCCT users

Note: for a PC to be stable, I trust Prime95/Orthos. But also I always test other program suites as they also simulate disk access, graphic card, more memory implications... OCCT is one of them
so if I get code 4 error, nothing to worry about?

and does anyone know where to find all the error code meanings?