However, with corporations, they have money...and money talks.
If the People do not have the money politicians want, then why should they listen to us? And, no, not because of constitutional duty.
Gamer, with all do respect: It seems that those who have the most power are those with the special interests. You and I do not count. You and I are not a powerhouse that our Founding Fathers wanted us to be. wee have failed to gain control of this country. instead, we leave it to 'elite' groups. ( I say elite loosely as anyone can interpret that wrongly.)
What mingo is trying to say is that corporations do control congress, much more than the people. If I were to own a corporation, I could go to my Senator and have him lower my taxes while I pay for his re-election. Where would he get the lost taxes? State schools, infrastructure programs, health system programs...ect...
why do you think our congress has left us with no money? Because they drained it out and left a backdoor open for anyone to swindle you and me.