Occupy Wall Street

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I have mixed feeling about the cops breaking apart the Occupy tents.

On one hand, it would be a perfect opportunity for a terrorist to sneak in and set off a bomb, release a biological agent, or use the cover of the Occupy movement to reach a nefarious end.

On the other, these police tactics are over the line and and affront to the 1st Amendment.

I can't help but think of the worst case scenario tho...
In the U.S.A we have not had a government "for the people by the people" for a long time and I'm extremely thankful that "the people" are starting to wake up to that FACT!

More people need to wake up to the FACT that allot of these so-called conspiracy theories are not theories at all and are not only deeply rooted in FACT, but are extremely well documented/proven FACTS, not theories as the corporate media would have you believe! :bounce:

I believe I said exactly what I needed/wanted to say. As far as having "vague, unsupported pronouncements about "theories" in general" I don't believe this forum is the place to dive deeply into what some call "conspiracy theories" as that would indeed hijack this thread.

And my statement had nothing to do with "theories" in general" but has to do with facts leading up to and surrounding the topic of this thread "Occupy Wall Street" and my "In the U.S.A we have not had a government "for the people by the people" for a long time" statement.

While you might like to lump my statement about "so-called conspiracy theories" into a category that includes all "conspiracy theories" that is certainly not what I was referring to and if that wasn't clear, it should be now!

As far as proof goes you need to look for it yourself, there is plenty out there if your willing to look just a little and since I'm such a nice guy I will direct you to the best documentary on the subject ever produced, in my opinion of course.

That documentary is: "Aaron Russo's America: Freedom to Fascism" (it's very easy to find) and remember double and tipple check the facts for accuracy.

And again I never said ALL conspiracy theories were fact, I was referring only to allot (certainly not all) of the so-called conspiracy theories that pertain to or have an impact on the "Occupy Wall Street" movement and my "for the people by the people" statement . :hello:
So, rather than hijack this thread with chatter about conspiracy theories, start another thread. I'm serious. I love that conspiracy theory stuff.

I agree that if you dig deep enough there is enough correlation to draw together plausible, even realistic, scenarios.

Ever see the Stan Deyo video?

Aaron Russo's "America: Freedom to Fascism" is really more about just exposing the hard cold facts than a discussion of probable theories. The fact that allot of what he discusses has been labeled as "conspiracy theories" is just an attempt by the "powers that be" to discredit him. Anyone willing to watch that video and then check, can easily verify the facts presented in the video.

I just started watching Stan Deyo's 8 part YouTube video and it's much to early for me to comment on it yet! However after I do I'll start a thread to do just that called something like "Real conspiracy's and conspiracy theories" or something like that. It probably won't be until tomorrow useless you want to start it first. If so let me know and I'll do the same for you? :pt1cable:
I also suggest "Freedom to Fascism" as it is a great documentary.

Something else we agree on! :)
Heh has anyone here heard of the Curse of Zeros?
1840- W.H. Harrison; pneumonia.
1860- Lincoln; assassinated.
1880- Garfield; assassinated.
1900- McKinley; assassinated.
1920- Harding; stroke.
1940- FDR; hemorrhage.
1960- JFK; assassinated.
1980- Reagan, shot but didn't die.
2000- Bush; well, somebody tried to kill him.

Hmmm, one of the lines underneath Yum! brands talked about the use of SNAP being lobbied for. One of the issues that I've heard many conservative outlets champion against is the use of government funded programs being used for low nutrional value food chains like McDonalds and Burger King. Isn't that kind of oxymoronic considering that most conservatives are very pro-business? It's like yelling at your kids for stealing a candybar... Out of the cubbard that you stocked full of candy bars.

Yet another reason, in the list of many, I'm against big-business and their lobbying efforts.


One of McDonalds focus' on lobbying was immigration reform, and probably because they are one of the biggest employers of illegal immigrants in the country! Too funny!

Did you break you clicking finger? :non:
I have been watching many protests around our country for the last 4 or 5 years and at first I sided with our law enforcement. But as I pay more attention and watch media from other sources besides our 'Corporate media" even this one time hard core Republican has to admit the blatant truth.

Our police and politicians are not there to "protect and serve" the people. They have absolutely no interest in upholding the bill of rights or the constitution that they swore to protect.

As far as these protests are concerned in ALL cases it is the police that try to instigate violence, up to and including actual assaults and the use police posing as protesters to inflame the situation.

I am disgusted by what our country has become. Our fore fathers fought to free this country from the exact same type of tyranny and injustice that our nation is now strangled by. If i still call myself a republican it is only in the sense that Ron Paul calls himself one and I personally believe that as long as we keep voting for Democrats and republicans (with very few rare exceptions) the USA is doomed!

God bless the protesters! They are the only ones Wise enough and Brave enough to stand against this corporate fascism. I just hope it's not to little, to late!

ALSO: interesting stuff "wanamingo" & "l0ckd0wn" but, unfortunately not surprising. I wonder how much Monsanto or Cargill spent on lobbying.

Im more concerned about lobbying then cocao processing plants in Mexico.

They have a bit more to worry about also, what with the drug war and all.
I used to be a hardcore liberal, and havnt left all that behind, and I too once protested against the "man". Then I started working and raising a family, then gained more responsibility on the job, and eventually started my own business.
What Ive learned is, its not the result that counts, its how the results started

I was raised in a very strict family. If we wanted something we had to work for it. That has always been and still is one of my core beliefs. I have since raised my own children with that same core value who have become successful as well.

What I think some people are missing, Adam Corrolla included is that if there wasn't dwindling opportunity in this country there would be no protests. Instead they focus on the few "gimme's" in the crowd and say that's the problem. It's not! :non:


other than the less job openings what are the other dwindling opportunities? Im just trying to get your opinion.
As people pay down their debt, as its fallen over the last few years, of course less monies are spent, less things being bought, less people are making them, shipping them, selling them etc.
Now, whyd this happen?
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