I just OC'ed my old AMD Athlon XP2800+ Barton, it ran 2.08ghz @ 166FSB with 12.5x multiplyer stock, my goal was to get the FSB to 200Mhz to make better use of my Kingston pc3200 HyperX Ram. So far it seems to be running smooth at 2.20Ghz with 200Mhz FSB 11.5x multiplyer 1.6v - YAY!
A few days ago someone linked to a program in another thread which where designed to test the CPU for errors, but I can't seem to find that thread again. Does anyone know which program it may have been and where I can find it please?
A few days ago someone linked to a program in another thread which where designed to test the CPU for errors, but I can't seem to find that thread again. Does anyone know which program it may have been and where I can find it please?