Oculus_Runtime Ruined GPU


Sep 21, 2015
Hello, So i just recently got my Oculus Rift for my Game Development. and i Installed there Recent Runtime 0.7 i had no issues then when i had to downgrade the Runtime drivers for the Oculus it asked me to restart. so i Restarted and when i logged in it said my Catalyst Drivers werent found or installed so i was confused. so i Restarted again. and went into safe mode. i Ran Display Driver Uninstaller. which Did show up saying i did have The Drivers installed. so i cleaned uninstalled everything so i could reinstall Catalyst. i restart. and now my Computer wont boot. it would in safe mode but not normal booting. it gets stuck at the Windows Logo and spinning Dots. i spent over 5 hours to get it to work. i lowered the Res hoping it would work i Deleted everything i could find from AMD in safe mode to reinstall. and it wouldnt work. till i decided to remove the Graphics card from the Computer then restarted and now my computer Loads normally no issue. so im so confused and i need help. im afraid to put the Card back in and being not able to Start again. i dont know if its a hardware problem but there is no AMD software file or driver on this pc anymore till i reinstall which i cant do till i would put it back in Obviously im so frustrated. any help would be Appreciated. Sorry for the long Message.

-Ryan Lutz

PS. i have had this Graphics Card for over 7 months with not a single issue till now. and i have windows 10 64bit.