Odd Computer Problems


Feb 21, 2004
I have had my fair share of problems lately [missing config.sys, fried 9600pro, having to use windows 98 cuz xp and 2000 wont install] and now my computer is having problems starting up. my specs are in my sig [except i have an mx440 currently because my 9600pro is at ati [rma]. my psu is a Thermaltake 420watt purepower that came with my xaser 3 case. my problem is as follows

this doesnt happen all the time but it happens every so often [never before today tho] my computer will randomly turn off while in windows and reboot. then it will turn off again when it is part way through rebooting. it will keep doing this a couple of times until i turn off the power supply in the back. another thing it does is when it continues to reboot on startup after i flip the switch in the back of the psu the power on light will flash for ~2 seconds then turn off then flash again then turn off and then flash again before i can hear a sound [sounds like a zap!] and it stops "flashing". this is only cured by unplugging the psu and turning it back on.

is this a psu problem or a different component... im not very descriptive but thats really all its doing... randomly rebooting and rebooting during start up. any suggestions would be welcomed. thanks

AMD Athlon 64 3500+ | MSI K8N Neo2 Platinum | 1gb Kingston HyperX PC4000 [2x512] | ATI 9600 Pro [upgrade soon] | Sound Blaster Audigy LS | Samsung 120gb hd
Would appear to be an electrical problem. Disassemble - reassemble correctly (ensure standoffs are properly placed and secured). Check each of your components for possible problems (motherboard capacitors would be prime area to pay close attention).

You may want test your outlet with a circuit analyzer <A HREF="http://www.homedepot.com/prel80/HDUS/EN_US/diy_main/pg_diy.jsp?BV_SessionID=@@@@0392680857.1101243340@@@@&BV_EngineID=ccfhadddefdhledcgelceffdfgidgll.0&CNTTYPE=PROD_META&CNTKEY=misc/searchResults.jsp&MID=9876&N=2984+3004&pos=n04" target="_new">(inexpensive but handy tool)</A>

Those are just a few ideas to help you get started. You may want to invest in a multimeter also, it can be invaluable when voltage/power may be the source of problems. It can quickly eliminate or validate your hardware.

<font color=green><b><i>Lizards</font color=green></b> do <b>not</b> taste like <b><font color=yellow>chicken</font color=yellow></b>,<b> <font color=yellow>chicken</font color=yellow></b> tastes like <font color=green><b>lizard.</b></font color=green></i>
i didnt realize this until about two days ago [internet was down and couldnt post stuff] when i was taking apart my computer readying it for RMA to newegg. here you go

<A HREF="http://peteam.aowc.net/user/18051/images/Im000069.jpg" target="_new"> Clicky </A>

AMD Athlon 64 3500+ | MSI K8N Neo2 Platinum | 1gb Kingston HyperX PC4000 [2x512] | ATI 9600 Pro [upgrade soon] | Sound Blaster Audigy LS | Samsung 120gb hd
Nice to see you found the problem without too much trouble.

<font color=green><b><i>Lizards</font color=green></b> do <b>not</b> taste like <b><font color=yellow>chicken</font color=yellow></b>,<b> <font color=yellow>chicken</font color=yellow></b> tastes like <font color=green><b>lizard.</b></font color=green></i>