Question Odd crackling issue with a headset


Mar 24, 2014

My rather new Beyerdynamic headset (not even 1 year old) has developed a rather odd issue.

About 2 weeks ago the right earbud started crackling. It only crackles when very low tones (10-20hz range) are the primary sound in the audio mix. I tried lowering them with built-in realtek eq, but that didn't do anything.
I think to myself: well, the driver is probably messed up. So... I start thinking about RMAing.

However, 2 days ago, the right earbud completely stopped crackling and now my left one is.

I checked all the connectors and software settings but couldn't find anything responsible for the issue. Cables also appear fine and I was never able to locate a possible breakage. I'd also like to point out that audio still plays perfectly fine; no volume or frequency issues in either of the earbuds.

Did anyone ever come across something like this?


It could be your audio ports or the drivers itself. Make and model of your motherboard? BIOS version for said motherboard? What OS are you working with? I did come across a similar issue, only that the cause of the issue was faulty/failing wires in my earbuds after they were wrapped around a device too tightly(not my fault, was lent to a friend to use).