and exactly how many times did your cpu`s die because of a factory fault after 1 year? (died because of other things doesn`t mean you have warranty)

my 2 cents: if you have a decent cooler or want to buy a 3th party cooler, get the oem. it`s cheaper and one year is enough, after that they don`t die within 10 years except when you overclock (maybe) or get a psu fault (maybe) but then you have no warranty with the retail either.
Nothing wrong with OEM parts. Bought almost all my procs used or OEM with the majority of them off eBay!

I've only bought one cpu retail and ended up not using the factory heatsink and threw away the retail box. Learned from that waste of money and never bought retail since.

Never had an OEM cpu die for anything that wasn't my fault like improperly seated heatsink, too high oc, and poor case ventilation.
With a retail CPU You can always sell the CPU once you are done with it? With a 3-year warranty you can get your money back for longer, after all they would give a lifetime warranty if they never failed!

I've never had it myself but google recently had a report (Link please) about HDD failures I bet they measuered the same for CPU's RAM etc.

I Would always but retail so the CPU can go in a family PC too. (My family will get my P4 2.6 rig this year.

Of course you can just seel the CPU cooler too, the one that comes with the C2D's is good enough for older S775 CPU's


Link don't work
Most people on this forum void our warranties immediately anyway, by using after-market cooling and overclocking. I would say save your money and get OEM, I always do.