My CTRL + [random function character] - for example C for copy, S for save etc. stops working randomly on Word 2013.
I have to close all documents and start Word again in order for it to start working again.
Any help?
I forgot to add that it stops working randomly only in Word (2013). In other programs such as a web browser it works constantly. So I think it's not a keyboard (hardware) related issue.
OS: Windows 10.
Laptop model is ASUS X509JA, I bought it like 1 month ago.
I have to close all documents and start Word again in order for it to start working again.
Any help?
I forgot to add that it stops working randomly only in Word (2013). In other programs such as a web browser it works constantly. So I think it's not a keyboard (hardware) related issue.
OS: Windows 10.
Laptop model is ASUS X509JA, I bought it like 1 month ago.
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