@americanbrian: I hesitated before I put Acer on the list (I had no such compulsion with neither HP nor Toshiba), and I decided to do it after I remembered an Acer laptop from that time that went 'poof'. But, thinking more about it, it was the only 2005 Acer laptop to do so. Freak accident, you may say. So yes, consider 'Acer' scratched off that list (still, my laptop is 8 years old; your own is only half that age, come back in 2013 and we'll talk).
Then, I could have put a bigger HDD in the Thinkpad, but I didn't want to spend too much on it (320 Gb PATA in 2.5" cost a pretty penny, moreover I'm not sure about the BIOS's LBA addressing capabilities). I did add a mini-PCI 802.11G wifi card in it with a custom made antenna, and it worked perfectly (unfortunately, I had to remove the ethernet - 440BX didn't include ethernet - card to do so, and I use ethernet more than wifi). I changed the keyboard (I don't usually use QWERTY on that one) and even tweaked the power daemon to emulate Speedstep 2 on a Speedstep 1 CPU (thanks Linux!).
As for RAM, the venerable 440BX chipset can't handle more than 512 Mb, so I can't do better (VRAM is already dedicated).
The 1999 a20m I still have around (and which also still works) is too slow to be of real use now (a Celeron 500 IS slow, and a 800x600 screen is small). After 10 years (of which 7 saw intensive, daily lugging around and use), its battery only lasts a handful of minutes and the plastic is starting to crack (note that other computers from that time, when they still work, are held together with glue and duct tape).
But it, too, runs Google Earth.