Question Old Lian Li Case

Jul 13, 2024
I have an old Lian Li aluminum case Lian Li PC60 Plus
I have an emotional attachment to the case. It has a removable MB tray and a vent that blows air onto the CPU
I am wondering whether it can provide adequate cooling for today's components since the rear fan is only 80mm.
I would have to top mount the PSU. Is that a big disadvantage?
I also have laying around a brand new Rosewill Challenger S case. Also, if I use the Lian Li case, I would have to purchase a front panel for USB 3.0 and C ports.
I kind of like the design.
By modern do you mean 14700-14900k /7900x territory or 14400/7600/7700x territory.
What video card?
With new fans it would probably handle a mid range system. 7600x /14400 and 4070 max video card.
Higher performance/higher power draw parts would be pushing it..

Each has their own opinion......