Question Old Lian Li Case

Jul 13, 2024
I have an old Lian Li aluminum case Lian Li PC60 Plus
I have an emotional attachment to the case. It has a removable MB tray and a vent that blows air onto the CPU
I am wondering whether it can provide adequate cooling for today's components since the rear fan is only 80mm.
I would have to top mount the PSU. Is that a big disadvantage?
I also have laying around a brand new Rosewill Challenger S case. Also, if I use the Lian Li case, I would have to purchase a front panel for USB 3.0 and C ports.


IMHO, I would hold onto the case in it's OG form and not even mod it. I brought up the topic about modding the case since the case shouldn't be capable of dealing with the heat that todays processors/components will dump out in 2024.
I kind of like the design.
By modern do you mean 14700-14900k /7900x territory or 14400/7600/7700x territory.
What video card?
With new fans it would probably handle a mid range system. 7600x /14400 and 4070 max video card.
Higher performance/higher power draw parts would be pushing it..

Each has their own opinion......
I put modern systems into those. Simply put an optical drive in the lowest 5.25" bay and remove the three covers for all the other 5.25" bays, and there will be a perfect space to fit another 120mm fan. With the factory lower 120mm blowing in and the new 120mm blowing out (along with the PSU fan), there should be plenty of airflow even if you choose not to use the two 80mm fans, especially with IGP or a blower fan GPU. I would probably not put a 253w Intel in there, but given the 8600G is only 65w and can be adequately cooled with a 92mm heatsink fan this should be more than enough.

You can modify a floppy cover for front USB ports since it's probably best not to use the existing front USB 2.0 location, given how easy it is to break off the door on that. Best to glue a gutter guard or other perforated metal mesh sheet in front of the fan to make it look nice--BTW hot glue, or siloxane/silicone RTV type glue such as G02 Gel Glue (same as Loctite Stik n' Seal Extreme Conditions) or Elmer's Ultra Stix-All can both easily be removed from aluminum later without residue.

The topmount PSU helps exhaust hot air out of the case. About the only disadvantage is the PSU itself runs hotter.

Printed replacement front panel clips are pretty easily found.
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Jul 13, 2024
Along with the PC-60 I have the PC-60 Pluslll.
It has a duct that has the rear 80mm fan blowing air onto the CPU. I removed the duct and turned the fan around to blow air outward. For nostalgia I may put the duct back on and turn the fan around. The duct makes working on the computer problematic however. This case has a 120mm front fan, a 120mm side, an 80mm top fan and 80mm rear fan. Any suggestions what I should do with the case will be appreciated.