Yesterday morning I stupidly rushed to turn the computer off by holding down the power button, in the afternoon's usage it started restarting every few minutes. In the evening after I left it alone, it seemed ok and worked for hours without issue, I even left it on overnight and it didnt restart. Today it wont turn on at all. Is a13 year old system.
Im in trouble with money atm, so I'm considering buying the next higher rated power supply for my future system now, and using that to diagnose my current one. Then even if its not psu problem, I didnt waste money. Good plan? Or am I forgetting something easier n obvious to check first?
Thanks, thanks 🙏 ☺️
Im in trouble with money atm, so I'm considering buying the next higher rated power supply for my future system now, and using that to diagnose my current one. Then even if its not psu problem, I didnt waste money. Good plan? Or am I forgetting something easier n obvious to check first?
Thanks, thanks 🙏 ☺️