Older CPU


Sep 13, 2002
I have a older IBM clone type PC that has a Cyrix 6x86/M11 (6x86L) type CPU on a super 7 type mount. I'm running WIN98 SE. I'm upgrading this system for my kids homework and such and want to purchase a AMN K6-2 500 3DNow 100MHZ CPU. From all the reading I should not have any problems with this upgrade. Is this correct. I do not know the motherboard type but it an ATX type board
If it's a Super Socket 7 I guess you are right. But you need to know how to configure the mobo. K6-2 need dual voltage and has to be adjusted, also the frecuency and the multiplier. Some of these adjustements can be explained in the mobo itself, but for others you need the manual. Try to recognise the model, brand, chipset, whatever yoiu can. Look around the net. Try IBM site. Also www.motherboards.org can help you with its advanced search.

Hope this helps.

DIY: read, buy, test, learn, reward yourself!
Baldurga: Ok. Here is what I found out over the weekend using the MoBo tool. I have a BCM MoBo, Part number SQ594. I have the Post-MMX version which has the voltage regulator for the 2.8 volt setting which supports MMX. Chipset is Intel Triton VX 430VX. If the K6-2 500 will not work what does anyone recommend. Does this help?
Click here:
<A HREF="http://www.bcmcom.com/tech/sq594/tech594.htm" target="_new">http://www.bcmcom.com/tech/sq594/tech594.htm</A>

If you have the "Post-MMX" board (rev. B) then it appears that you may be in luck. BIOS ver. B01 supports the AMD K6, but it isn't clear if it would support the K6-2. I would assume it would as you can set the core voltage to 2.8v and the FSB to 100. Maybe even overclock! Good luck.

To start press any key. Where's the "any" key? --Homer Simpson.
Black cat: Thanks. I did upgrade the Award BIOS to version v4.51PG last month so I think I'm good to go with your info. Last thing, the manual does not give jumper settings for K6 only had info for K5. I sure I need to go to BCM for K6 setting? Thanks
Uh oh. I think I lied to you. I was just looking over the SQ594 manual and realized that I was looking at CPU speeds not FSB speeds! Now I am not so sure that that board will support a K6-2 processor. Since I don't believe that the VX430 chipset supports 100MHz FSB you might be able to use a K6-2 running with the FSB at 66MHz the fastest of which is the 366. I do, however, have a pretty strong feeling that you are SOL :frown:

Here are some other links that may be of value to you:

<A HREF="http://web.inter.nl.net/hcc/J.Steunebrink/k6plus.htm" target="_new">http://web.inter.nl.net/hcc/J.Steunebrink/k6plus.htm</A>

<A HREF="http://www.plasma-online.de/index.html?content=http://www.plasma-online.de/english/upgrade/tweak/fixes/fix_k6_in_socket7.html" target="_new">http://www.plasma-online.de/index.html?content=http://www.plasma-online.de/english/upgrade/tweak/fixes/fix_k6_in_socket7.html</A>

To start press any key. Where's the "any" key? --Homer Simpson.
Hey, I think you have a chance. Click on the first link the other guy give you. (Note:I suppose you will have revision B)

The combination of FSB and multiplier are, in fact, INDEPENDENT. The first two jumpers (J2 and J3) gives you the FSB. The others (J4,J5 and J6) gives you the multiplier.

Configure the jumpers like this:

For CPU type an selection like a "66Mhz x 2" (from J2 to J6 is on-off-on-off-off).

For voltage selection we are going for 2.8v. It's a quite more than the 2.2 required, BUT if I don't remember wrong you are going to use a good HSF (one for K7, isn't it?). This way maybe we can success (good cooling it will be critical). The jumpers from J7 to J9 have to be off-off-off.

Now, the results will be the follwing:

- x2 multiplier will be a x6 multiplier 🙂
- FSB will be just 66Mhz :-(
TOTAL: 66 x 6 = 400 Mhz.

Well, not bad at all! So with a K6-2 400Mhz you will be ok, because you are not going to go further. Anyway, if you have a k6-2 500Mhz it won't hurt.

Finally, look for programs like softFSB and others. Some of them allow to increase the clock frecuency, if the clock generator allows for it.

Hope this helps ... and tell us about the results!

DIY: read, buy, test, learn, reward yourself!
Ok, now it got a little muddy, but I think I can handle it. Now, when you say "off" do you mean "open". And "on" do you mean set to the jumpers what the picture shows in the manual? I just to make sure I do not confuse what the manual states from the words I see. It looks like I will be buying the K6-2 450. That is the best deal I can get and buying a very good heat sink and fan for cooling.
According to the jumper page from the link that guy listed, you can run the thing at 2.5v core <A HREF="http://www.bcmcom.com/tech/sq594/594jumpers.htm" target="_new">http://www.bcmcom.com/tech/sq594/594jumpers.htm</A>. I've ran the K6-2 at 2.8v without problems using PIII socket type coolers and cheap Athlon/Duron coolers, but 2.5v is better than 2.8v for cooling.

<font color=blue>You're posting in a forum with class. It may be third class, but it's still class!</font color=blue>
Oh, and since the higher speed K6-2's have an internal 2x=6x multiplier conversion, you can get 6x66.6MHz=400MHz.

<font color=blue>You're posting in a forum with class. It may be third class, but it's still class!</font color=blue>
Oh, and you need old very low density RAM in order to use SDRAM, such modules are 16-chips for a 32MB module. I can get you some if you need them. If you need more than 64MB, you can use four 32MB SIMMs to get 128MB.

<font color=blue>You're posting in a forum with class. It may be third class, but it's still class!</font color=blue>
Yeah, 2.5 volts will be better, but I think he has the revision B. The lower, the better, no doubt, as close to 2.2 as posible.

It's curios to see that revision A is, in terms of voltage, better than revision B ...

DIY: read, buy, test, learn, reward yourself!
This has been a rather interesting thread. Keep us posted on how everything turns out.

To start press any key. Where's the "any" key? --Homer Simpson.
Maybe I'm wrong, but the link explains both revision A and B. The first one is A, and the second is B. Well, it doesn't matter, the message is use the lower voltage you can. I'm sure that he will guess looking at the mobo and the linked page.

DIY: read, buy, test, learn, reward yourself!
Well, it finally came down to just a Pentnium 266MMX OEM chip. The MoBo OEM stated that that was best I could do with the board and chipset I had. So, that is what I did and it works great. So, DIY worked and its was a learning experiance. Thanks to all who help.
If you dont mind me askign, where did u get this Pentium 266mmx chip ?? I believe the fastest Socket 7 MMX Processor Intel ever produced was the 233MMX was it not?? I can understand if you got a AMD K6 266....they exist......but an Intel 266 on Socket 7 ???

<A HREF="http://www.anandtech.com/mysystemrig.html?id=13597" target="_new">-MeTaL RoCkEr</A>