On the right track to build a pc?


Dec 3, 2015
Hi. Everyone. This is the first time I will ever build a gaming PC and would like to know if everything I have is compatiable and if it work well together.

I want to play stuff like The Witcher 3, Gauntlet, and later games like FFXV i.e. basically multiplats that the Xbox One and PS4 will get in the future. I will be abandoning those systems. I want to be a PC gamer with a Wii U, 3DS and NX. I am fine with 1080p and 60 fps.

Does this build look good: http://pcpartpicker.com/list/8JKYcc

I am planning to get the GeForce GTX 1070 graphics card.

Also is my tower ok? Which would you recommend between these two and why:


Thank you. I apprecaite any feedback or help since I am a novice
Great build, but the PSU is a poor choice when you can get the Corsair RM550x which is better.

Note: your system with a GTX 1070 overclocked would be about 350W under max throttle. The Corsair RM550x would be a great PSU choice.
Thank you. I will get the Power SUpply that you mentioned. So mostly the one you suggest is better and with 350W I will be fine eith that one right? Any opinion on the case. Would it better to get Windowed or not. I mostly want it because white looks cool. If there is no big preference for either I will probably get the Windowed one.