One Internet, Two Routers w/ remote users


Nov 23, 2012
I have read all of the threads I could find about two routers in a "Master/Slave" fashion connected to one Internet connection.

I currently have two networks (with overlapping IP addresses, so I know I need to change one of the networks to a different subnet). Each network is currently on its own switch.

My "NEW" network is mission critical and we have two users who access the mission critical application via Microsoft Terminal Services. This configuration is working perfectly and I don't want to break it.
It is Cable Modem-->Cisco E1000-->NEW Switch


I have a "LEGACY" network that needs to also allow a homebound remote user to access Quickbooks, a legacy database and a couple of printers.

I want to leave my Cisco E1000 router as the main router that connects to the "NEW" Mission Critical network switch (192.168.0.*) and hang a second router off a LAN port on the Cisco E1000 connected to the WAN port of a Netgear router that I will connect to the LEGACY switch (192.168.3.*).

Am I on the right track? Can someone please help lay this out for me? My TCP/IP is a bit rusty. I am unclear about how to configure SSID, DHCP, gateways, etc. on each router to make this work. And if there is anything special my homebound user needs to do to access the LEGACY network (I believe he is using LOGMEIN or something similar).

I appreciate any help anyone can provide.

I would guess the Gateway of the NEW network is; therefore, assign as a WAN IP to the Netgear with Subnet Mask of and Gateway of As for the DNS Server use you ISP's DNS Servers.

then assign to the DMZ of the Linksys and you should be up and running.
Thank you, Emerald.

So, by putting the WAN IP ( into the DMZ of the Linksys, I am telling the Linksys not to hand out that IP address during DHCP but to reserve it for this cascaded router?

Does the Linksys router know that when traffic comes in for the subnet to route it properly or is it going to route all of the traffic to each network and the NEW network will ignore the 192.168.3.* while the LEGACY network would ignore the 192.168.0.* or does this not matter because each will ignore what is not for them?

Thank you again for the help.
Go back and set it up like he described and to start with ignore the DMZ. Your netgear will hand out IP in the 192.168.3.x range but this is not related to the DMZ setting.

I suspect in your case you do not have to use DMZ. The logmein thing unlike terminal server does not create inbound sessions. This software connect to a central server and connects the 2 sessions together. This solves many of the issues with port forwarding and nat but does leave a external company with access to your data.
A follow up question. If I am going to assign 192.168.3.* to the LEGACY network, where do I do that? Is that something I need to set on the Netgear router? Or is that the "job" of the server/domain controller?
Thanks for the help. Everything is working except the time clock.

The time clock is on the LEGACY network (Netgear). We are using Time Clock Plus 6.0 and I changed the configuration within the program to tell the time clock its IP address is It uses WinRemote to create the session. My server can't connect to the time clock. Does it have something to do with the Port? The port is set to 3001. Do I need to tell the Netgear anything about the port?

Other than that, I am thinking that this piece of hardware doesn't really know that I have changed it's IP address. So, I am looking for the manual to figure out how to tell the actual time clock that I have changed it's IP.
Depends where you need to get to the app from. You should have already had this issue if you were getting to it externally before. You need to still map the port to this machine but now you must do it in both routers. You map 3001 to 3.100 in the netgear and you map it to 0.253 in the cisco. The confusing part will be if you access it from the internet you will use the main external IP of the cisco. If you want to access it from the "new" network you will need to use