one of us surely dont understand what bottlenecking means xD

not you

May 14, 2015
Hello guys

so i just upgraded my video card to a gtx 1080
and my friend has a intel hd 4000 laptop but he really want to try players unknown battleground (im not sure thats the name but you get the idea :) )

so i checked on a website i generally trust (game-debate) if i can run it well

i filled in my specs:
i7 6700k
16gb of ram
and gtx 1080

it said i can run it in 1080p60fps about high settings (so no very ultra xD)

thats ok but it also said i have a cpu bottleneck i was like wtf...?
so i clicked on remove bottleneck and it replaced my 6700k with an amd 1800x... now i have no problem with ryzen i think the new amd cpus are great

However i really dont want to go throu a platform change again i came from an amd a6 apu to i7 and i like both but that platform change was long and painfull... especiall as i know ryzen shines in professional workload while i dont do that (not at all)

also after that it wrote that i have a gpu bottleneck and when i clicked remove bottleneck it replaced the gtx 1080 with a titan xp xD that was actually funny

i think either them or me dont understand bottlenecking
i admit im not an expert but for me bottlenecking means put a gtx titan xp in an amd a4 x2 4000 system x/

but i shared this so i know what you think about this so i thank you for every piece of info you give x)
A button for "remove bottleneck"
That's about useless.

Your initial specs:
i7 6700k
16gb of ram
and gtx 1080

...Are just fine.

Buy that stuff and ignore that crappy website.
thank you guys

im not interested in that game that much just the webite wrote that i have a general cpu bottleneck and that i didnt want to belive (as i saw on youtube the game runs just fine with this setup)

Every single PC on the planet has a "bottleneck" in some form.
Every single one.

The GPU slightly more powerful than the CPU?

A really good CPU with a very slightly less great GPU?

That site and recommendations would seem to be useless.
Any place that recommends a Titan Xp to 'fix bottleneck' is totally useless.