Opinion about upgrading pc for best gaming experience


Feb 6, 2017
Hello guys,

I've recently bought a pc HP pavilion p6720de with this specs..
HP Pavilion p6720de i5-2500 QuadCore 3,3 GHz, 6GB Ram,
1 TB Festplatte, VGA Sapphire Radeon 6570 passiv, (1GB, DVI, VGA, HDMI), interner Kartenleser, DVD Brenner...

So..if you guys have some advice on how to upgrade this pc..i mean the graphic card,ram,psu etc
Feel free to give some advices here
First, upgrade your video card. If you want to upgrade past a 75W card, you will need a new PSU. And a new PSU is probably a good idea anyways. Then upgrade the RAM.

The 1050 Ti is a much faster card than the 750 Ti which is still a good card. The 750 Ti will be underpowered as compared to your processor

If you want to provide a budget, the country you live in, any preferred vendors and website, I can look at what would be a good build for you. Generic recommendations often don't work due to availability and cost issues.
Mobo is LGA 1155. CPU is fine for the time being, definitely first the GPU and then the RAM.

To put a discrete video card first issue is to see what your PSU can handle. Not much, it is a generic 300W. So at best you could put a 75W video card in. But the 1050 Ti is a pretty good match for the processor and it is a 75W.

For the RAM, should really have at least 8GB of RAM these days, your motherboard can handle 4 X 4GB.

So...the best things to do first is upgrade the ram and also the psu ,right?

Can you recommend me some good ram or psu to buy?...
And also....what about the msi gtx750 ti graphic card?..is it good enough?

First, upgrade your video card. If you want to upgrade past a 75W card, you will need a new PSU. And a new PSU is probably a good idea anyways. Then upgrade the RAM.

The 1050 Ti is a much faster card than the 750 Ti which is still a good card. The 750 Ti will be underpowered as compared to your processor

If you want to provide a budget, the country you live in, any preferred vendors and website, I can look at what would be a good build for you. Generic recommendations often don't work due to availability and cost issues.

Ok bro...my budget is about 150EUR to 250EUR...right now,i live in germany...so can you tell me the psu,gpu and ram that good for me to buy it..
thank you in advance
Okay, here is a suggestion. Since you have elected for a new PSU then we can go to a 120W card. The best match that I see is an RX 470 which is that much better than a 1050 Ti. See my choice below.

Update: One thing that has to be made sure of is will the card length fit in the case

Now for the RAM it would be best to let me know exactly what it is that you have. This will allow me to determine if you can keep the RAM you have and just add to it to get the 8GB min.

PCPartPicker part list: https://de.pcpartpicker.com/list/3ftq7h
Price breakdown by merchant: https://de.pcpartpicker.com/list/3ftq7h/by_merchant/

Video Card: XFX Radeon RX 470 4GB HS Black Edition Video Card (€189.93 @ Mindfactory)
Power Supply: Antec EarthWatts Green 380W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply (€52.89 @ Amazon Deutschland)
Total: €242.82
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2017-02-07 19:11 CET+0100

if i want to use 1050 ti instead the radeon...what type psu i must buy?
and how about this psu EVGA 100-W1-0600-K3 - 600w WHITE 80+ PSU, i found in amazon and the price is much the same like your recommendations before but with more wattage...

i recently read some article/comments from the others that sometimes the hp mobo cant fit with some graphic cards...
and something about bios update( i really have no knowledge about this)....

and maybe if you can give the recommendations with more lower budget..it would really good for me
The Antec is a better quality PSU and you don't need 600W. More watts is not always better, right sizing is best when it comes to PSU's.

A video card not fitting is generally because the case won't accomodate the card length. You will have to measure the room in your case and match it against the card length.

For lower budget you could just buy the 1050 Ti, keep your current PSU and upgrade the RAM to 8GB. If you wanted to replace the PSU then the Antec is still a good choice.
