Opinion: Is Windows 8 Worth $15 for New PC Owners?

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Jun 19, 2012
[citation][nom]killerclick[/nom]Most people here have tried Windows 8. You know it's downloadable and can be installed at least on a virtual machine in like 15 minutes?[/citation]
I know you can use the pre-release indeed. I tried it and I'm now looking for how to really take advantage of the new GUI. As the version you can try is not the final one, maybe microsoft will implement more user friendly things? For my part as I use windows 8 on a laptop I expect microsoft to add the software they developed to allow control by gesture through Doppler-effect. I think it could be a great improvement over traditional use.
Anyway I'm almost certain than more than half of the people complaining about windows 8 haven't try it for more than few hours (if they have tried it), it reminds me people complaining about unity GUI on ubuntu. Everyone said it was a creepy GUI but now lot of users find it fine.
I'm not a windows fanboy, as I spend most of my time on a linux but I wanted to say that we maybe should keep cool and wait to see how windows 8 will be when ready and used by everyone. If it deserves the name of "vista like" then I won't say anything. But I don't like how lot of people are already yelling at it before seeing how a windows 8 world will be.
And I still think that people complaining about downgrading fees are dumb, as you only need to format your computer and re-install 7 or XP or whatever. If you are too lazy to care about yourself, then it's normal to pay people for doing it.


Nov 23, 2008
[citation][nom]altriss[/nom]anyway if someone doesn't like windows 8 he just has to format and install whatever he want. If someone is dumb enough to complain about windows 8 and pay to install 7 or XP, I won't sympathy. Today's not a big deal to remove an OS and install a new one.[/citation] Actually, its QUITE a big deal. Unlike Linux... you cannot simply download and install whatever you want.

If microsoft does NOT make Windows7 available for purchase - then it makes it rather IMPOSSIBLE to simply "remove the OS and install what you want". And for the typical computer buyer, they don't want to muck with such things, they get whatever comes with the computer. Some will grin and bear other will complain and buy something else.

So, this would be Microsoft forcing this Windows version like they did with vista. To bad.

When they did the Win7 preview, they LISTENED to their customers. They fixed many things... they made something that people LIKED. Best Windows version ever.

With Win8... its the opposite. They are TRYING very hard to get people to LIKE the stupid interface. With stupid home videos from their techs... videos that most people will never see.

Vista never hit beyond 25% market share. Win7 quickly surpassed Vista, sold out on line, etc.

So explain how good it is that a customer spends $700 for a desktop then IF possible, spend another $100 for Windows 7 to install on a PC that already came with an Windows OS to begin with? Thats pretty damn stupid.


Nov 23, 2008
" the 'power user' features such as task manager, the new file manager (that allows the pausing of file transfers, and reduces confusion for duplicates when organizing) are just a few."
Those features are VERY VERY nice in Windows 8. Yet its pretty stupid that they continue to use Windows95 style Drive properties pie-chart... the ugly purple-blue thingy. Why IS that NOT modernized? The metro interface makes the rest of the OS un-usable... its moronic. They make a big deal about "removing the start button" - which is still there... just hidden for some brain-damaged reason.

@trovio: Ever since Windows95... you can MOVE the calculator to any position on the start menu. Or pin it to the start menu. You put your mouse pointer on it and then MOVE it.
With Windows 8, you CANNOT MOVE anything. If HP wants to stick you with 4 FOLDERS for a single stupid printer, you're stuck with that in FULL APP view.

And what do you mean its easier with metro to get to the calculator? Its in the same place.
I hit the hit the windows key or press the Windows "start" button in Windows 7 and type CAL.

If you are in Desktop mode on Win8, you do the same thing, but you have to confirm click on the "metro" image before going to the metro-start screen and then start typing CAL?

Multi-tasking easier with full screen? That is only for metro apps... if using a standard desktop is too difficult for you... then you should stick to a metro or iOS only device. In normal Windows OS... to task switch, just click on the program icon on the bottom... no hidden pop-ups or gestures needed.


Jun 19, 2012
If microsoft does NOT make Windows7 available for purchase - then it makes it rather IMPOSSIBLE to simply "remove the OS and install what you want". And for the typical computer buyer, they don't want to muck with such things, they get whatever comes with the computer. Some will grin and bear other will complain and buy something else.

Maybe it's a Linux-user reaction, but it surprises me to read that remove an OS is "rather impossible". From my experience on almost every computers today you can remove the OS to put another one. I even installed Slitaz (Linux distrib) over a macbook air (for the fun, but MacOS is definitely better over mac devices).
I acknowledge it can be difficult for some people, but I would like to know why a person who doesn't know enough to change its own OS and bought a windows 8 computer (despite saying it's a bad OS) get angry at the idea of paying to make someone do the job of changing the OS?
You can always buy your computer with no OS if you want, you can also buy a Mac or a Google or Linux computer. And until now you can still buy computer with windows 7.
Furthermore I don't think that Microsoft will "just stop selling 7", even for Vista which was a crap you still could buy computer with vista installed in october 2011 (have a look at MS lifecycle)
So if you want to go through Windows 8 I really don't see how Microsoft could stop you. Look how Vista and 7 didn't stop people from using XP.

I'm not saying people are wrong about the new GUI (everyone has its own tastes) but I feel like people are overreacting, yes maybe metro is a crap, maybe wind8 will be another vista. But I think most of the negative reaction are more based over some kind of fear of "new" and "change" than anything else. It won't be the first time. Remember the first Iphone. When it was announced lot of people were saying that it won't work because a phone is not a computer, or that it was so big... Have a look over smartphone now, where was the mistake about Iphone?
That's why I'm really curious to see how the "average" customer will react to windows 8 and how the whole thing will go on before complaining.

And about the rest of your argument I can't say I disagree or anything. I don't enough about this topic, you seems to know more than me about that point.


Apr 20, 2011
I'm not sure how much Win8 has changed since the Consumer Preview release, but it was so bad then that it actually convinced me that the 40GB NTFS partition would be better utilized as an extension to my 20GB EXT4 partition for Ubuntu so I can has more Internet Cache. Unless Win8 did a complete 180 since the Consumer preview, I wouldn't touch it with a 12' pole. I'm sticking with Windows 7 for gaming and Linux for everything else.

For the tablet, I can see it has some uses (at least the x86 version; ARM version is locked down and breaks software compatibility, + no Firefox), but I have no idea why anyone would defend Win8 on the desktop. Quick is the only positive thing I can say about, but the awkward UI is more than a counter-balance to any performance optimization. Couldn't find anything, and switching from Metro and Explorer and back was a constant pain.


May 9, 2012
[citation][nom]damianrobertjones[/nom]So.. are you still running Windows xp? How long did you use Windows 8 on your desktop for? A day?[/citation]

You just don't get it do you? Many of these people have tried Win 8 (in most cases for alot longer than a day) and they DON'T LIKE IT! You claim to be a system admin, well, for a system admin, you don't seem to have a good feel for what users want! You seem to act like a system admin nazi:

"You vill run vindovs 8 and ju vill love it"


May 9, 2012

You just proved one of the main reasons why Win 8's UI is a fail. Look at your message and note the steps you had to go through to get to the point that you get to by default on Win 7. Why should I pay to have to do these extra steps each time I wish to do something? Also why should I put up with the constant screen switching in order to change tasks. Look I can't even have a WP doc and a source file on the screen at the same time. Epic fail.


May 9, 2012
I think it is worth more than $150. I'm using windows 8 on desktop everyday. it is fast. the most important part is you can access the app store.

That's a joke right? I'll bet you'll be able to access the app store (read "Microsoft gold mine") via any browser in any os if you really want to. You can even put a 3rd party Metro UI on Win 7 (but why is the question) if you really want to.

Seriously, IF I really wanted to buy a piece of Microsoft software (Metro app or otherwise) I know where Amazon, Newegg, and Tiger Direct or on the web, thank you very much.


Dec 29, 2007
Hmm, let me decide. On one hand I have a PC with a decent OS (Win 7), but I can give M$ more money to push un-needed/un-necessary garbage onto my PC that is running perfectly fine (and customized how I want/need it). How bout NO! Win 8=M$ BOB=I'd be a moron to even consider installing this POS. If I want a "FisherPrice Tiled startup" I'll buy a CrApple.


Sep 23, 2007
Windows has nothing really new for the consumer except from troubles and incombatibility. Windows 8 will become a Vista sucess only because there's a monopoly on OS market.


Jul 16, 2009
You can still run a classic desktop, it just runs from a Metro app
How is this any different than running DOS command prompt from the Start Menu in Windows 7
This is the natural order of things, get used to it


Jun 27, 2012
Exactly. You can pin the calculator to the start menu but what has Metro offered? The same flexibility to pin programs onto the start menu. Or even desktop or the task bar. Simple really. No, muti tasking is not only easier for metro apps. Infact on desktop even using internet on desktop mode, switching back is only a matter of hot corners with no chance of accidentally closing program. One thing i love about Metro is it's impossible to accidentally close a program.


Nov 23, 2008
Maybe it's a Linux-user reaction, but it surprises me to read that remove an OS is "rather impossible". I don't think that Microsoft will "just stop selling 7", even for Vista which was a crap you still could buy computer with vista installed in october 2011

Are you as dense as the Windows8 design team? The day Windows7 went retail, *NOBODY* sold or bought Vista off the shelf (upgrade/retail/OEM) WindowsXP was pretty much sold until stock ran out, lasted till about Win7 came out. MS is very gun-ho about Metro that they RIPPED out the old start menu. You actually think anyone made a point to buy a VISTA computer after Win7 came out? Even today, people/business buy NEW computers and install WinXP.

But for the AVG human on this planet... they go to a store and if their only choice is a Win8 PC, they may not buy the PC. Especially IF there are no options to buy an OEM or retail Win7. The HP/Dells maybe able to sell Win7.

What about us smaller guys, who build for ourselves or build for clients or friends? If there *IS* no usable Windows OS to buy and install, WTF do we do? Go Apple? Nope, gotta bu the whole $600~3000 computer for that. Windows7 piracy will explode.

So yes, for many people, it will be IMPOSSIBLE for them to simply erase the Win8 OS and install another WindowsOS. They want to be able to BUY the computer, turn it on and watch youtube and facebook... and not muck with the OS.

With that, we come back to this: Why bother with a Windows computer?

If a person or biz needs a REAL desktop OS computer, Windows8 FAILS. Sales goes down. If the person or biz needs something that runs a browser and some APPS, the other options are Android, Linux, Apple OSX and iOS devices.

If I was a personal Linux user... no a problem. As some of us have to support and work with people who can barely DEAL with Windows, Win8 ain't going to cut it. I know that one of my clients are already considering Macintosh... Its a Win7 office... They can afford to replace the machines with new MACs if they wanted to... but it'll be years. We have XP systems only because some equipment DOES NOT have Windows Vista/7 drivers that work (thank you HP, YOU SUCK!).


Absolutely not, win8 is for touch screen device only, design for tablet or smartphone, microsoft should name it "win7 mobile" instead.


Nov 23, 2008
@trovio Where is the Jumplists in Metro?
I got sick of having to aim at hidden areas to bring up functions... that fade away come back, fade away.

Metro (for the desktop) is a solution to a problem that wasn't there.
All the hell Microsoft has to do, to make Windows8 a usable OS is to make it an OPTION to have Metro. Simple. I want the features of Windows8 (desktop)... just rip out the idiotic Metro and they'll sell it just fine.

But no, they want to shove a non-customizable crap retard interface down people's throats.

Within weeks of Windows8 release, we are going to SEE who is right. I'm betting you'll be owing me $5.

I have estimated that I myself, with my contacts, friends and clients to NOT buy Windows8 devices to be at 100+. And I am nobody. I showed 1 friend who was planning on Win8... he played with my Win8PC and he thought it was shit. Himself, his wife and his 3 sons = no sale. He'll tell his friends... the list go on. My EX, I didn't have to tell her anything... Hell, I TRIED to get her to use the damn computer for more than 5 minutes.

You understand? I could NOT get a 27 year-old tech-savvy (dual screen / 6core / facebook & WOW freak) girl to spend more than 5 lousy minutes with it. She gave up after a minute or so. I couldn't even get her to look at the GOOD parts of Windows8 (desktop).

I am shaking my head at the stupidity of Metro on the desktop. I am going to laugh at Microsoft for being THIS stupid. What did they do? Hire the HP & RIM reject executives?

Look at my post history from a month or so ago. I ADMIT to personally posted "I think Windows8 is going to kick ass! Its an excellent idea! It'll destroy the iOS and Android market. It makes sense... it'll sell tablets and phones." I had plans to buy a Nokia phone with WP8 in a few months. Nope, I won't bother. I'll stick Metro Launcher on my Android and leave it at that... and I'll buy an iPad4 next spring.

I have no confidence in Microsoft. They have FAILED big time... its like they never learned from their Vista and Windows7 experiences.


Jul 30, 2009
@People who think I work at Microsoft
I wish I was paid to do this sort of thing. I'd be making bank AND I wouldn't have to deal with crap like I dealt with(someone who knew how to RDP into a server and thinks they are "IT" essentially brought the site down because he screwed up NTFSRS [by the way, how do you screw up NTFSRS!?] for one of my clients and I spent the better part of this morning finding out what/how the problem was and fixing it).

Back to the subject - I'm surprised to see so much hate around this. No-one has to use Windows 8 and I think that much like Vista, Windows 7 will still be commercially available at the same price until Windows 8 has come to a place that you find it useable. For users, I do think that the ability to enable to classic interface would be nice - as other people have pointed out - it would have been easier for people who can't be bothered to learn something new or hate change.

Hopefully they'll do something to enable it to appease the masses. If they do or don't, I'll still be working with XP, Vista, 7, 8, Server 2000, etc. for years to come I'm sure.

Also - When was a WoW and Facebook fanatic considered tech savvy? My girlfriend is graphic design artist, MMO gamer, etc. and neither of us consider her tech savvy =-\



Jul 3, 2008
all you idoints with your dumb comments about Micrososft screwing up, you must be outa your mind or retarded. Its an Operating System for 15 dollars, it doesnt get much better then that. And how can Win8 be another Vista!! its based off of Win7 wich is a success, stop riding the gravy train and FUCKING THINK. Fucking tools everywhere.


Mar 25, 2011
cushgod - It's an upgrade fee you pay above buying windows 7's full price, if you buy windows 7 now. The reason is that otherwise you'd buy an operating system that becomes obsolete 6 months after it's bought.

But then, maybe I am just an "idoint", as you put it.


Jul 16, 2009
[citation][nom]assafbt[/nom]cushgod - It's an upgrade fee you pay above buying windows 7's full price, if you buy windows 7 now. The reason is that otherwise you'd buy an operating system that becomes obsolete 6 months after it's bought.But then, maybe I am just an "idoint", as you put it.[/citation]
You are not obligated to use the upgrade when it arrives, but I think it would be very useful for when the first Service Pack arrives and you can upgrade and hit the SP at the same time, any niggling issues are likely to be resolved by then and $15 is chump change to anyone who has just spend the money on a whole new PC.


Why do I feel like Windows 8 is a downgrade from Windows 7, I mean I'm running Windows 7 Home Premium x64 and yet still feel like Windows 8 is a downgrade. I reserve judgement on Windows 8 until I've actually seen it and used it. But I still feel like Windows 8 is going to be sub-par at best.


Nov 23, 2008
Locate a spare HD somewhere... even a 40GB drive is good enough. Install Windows8 Release preview edition. Its actually a pretty quick download for the ISO.

On top of the HIDDEN Start button, they are tossing out AERO and replacing it with FLAT 80's style interface to the whole thing.... So the RP version I used... will become even worse.

Hence, Microsoft is stupid.
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