
Jul 14, 2009
A couple years ago (when nVidia 6800 gpu first came out), i bought this computer. I was the first one to order one of these cards from the local comp store (to give you an idea of how old everything is). Fast forward to now. I have replaced misc things here and there; It has seen its better days. My HDD recently went out and just gives me a reason to upgrade instead of dumping money into something that has yesterdays technology.

Right now i have:

nVidia 6800 (cant remember brand, but MSI(?) pops into my head)
AK86-L AOpen MB
AMD Athlon 64 3000+
2 gigs ram (dont remember brand)
new 500W PSU (As it recently went out)
I dont know the name of the case, but its black/red trim and has a clear side. Lights up orange/red. Has Z in the designs

My question is, i have about 400-500 to upgrade. Would i see any considerable gains over what i have now or would just buying a new HDD be a better solution as of todays prices? The computer satisfied my needs just fine before it died but some games did push it a bit. (And i love assembling anything so it gives me that satisfaction as well.)

Also, could i re-use anything i have? (Im guessing the case, DVD drive/floppy, and PSU)
I also obviously have monitor, keyboard/mouse, OS (XP), and such....


Oct 20, 2008
I'll suspect the power supply is 24 pin... New motherboard, $50 to $100, CPU $75, 4 Gigs memory, $50, new(er) video card, $100...a new hard drive does NOTHING for you, everything else looks good, high end would be $325... Go for it!


Jul 14, 2009
So, comparing to what i have now, anything would be an improvement? I will look through some build threads and see what is a good set-up to go with now-a-days.

Thanks for your reply!
What brand is that power supply you just got?

Even low end stuff today will beat what you are using currently. Is that Athlon a single core?

For upgradability i opted for an AM3 board but you can save some money and go with an AM2+ board and DDR2 ram if you want.

424 before MIR $410 after.