Osama Bin Laden is Dead

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I think Obama may be a tad bit of a hypocrite
UBL was unarmed, he wasnt read his rights, and he didnt get his chance in court, like Obama wants for the other planners and doers of such terrorist activities
Unlike the others, Osama would be too much of a liability, not to mention the fact that he deserved it. Regardless of who may have been the president who got him, I think that is one thing that they can all agree on.
I guess we could say that about anyone at anytime, as far as changing peoples "rights", like, itd be too costly, too dangerous, how could we find fairness etc
Nope, there isnt a loopy way in giving rights, nor serving them, especially, when youre the one touting such things.
Obama gets no pass from me doing this and saying that, hes a hypocrite
The US Blackhawks are rubbish ... we have crashed and burned them here in Australia and lost lives.

Essentially they are overreliant on technical wizzardry and the quality of said electronics is dodgy at best.

My last posting was to be up in QLD working as a tech non the Blackhawks and by good luck rather than good management I got the place I wanted at Uni and resigned.

Mates who stayed and worked on them said they all crossed their fingers everytime one went up ...

They look good though ... yeah !!

http://www.technewsdaily.com/top-secret-copter-used-in-osama-bin-laden-raid-experts-say-2629/ - Not so top secret copter anymore.......

We don't actually now how it went down and the circumstances behind him being shot!
Dude it just got 10x cooler.


Turns out Seal Team 6 had a canine accompanying the raid. Its also been rumored that this dog had some "Dental Enhancements"
I believe that it was a belgian malinois that accompanied the SEAL team. They are fiercely loyal dogs, not to mention just plain fierce when they are given the command. One of my friend's mom's trained police dogs and she had one of those dogs once. Even when "turned off," she wasn't exactly the world's friendliest creature. But yes, military dogs are rather valuable allies to have in the field, not to mention police dogs.

I'm not a dog person, but if I had to get one, I'd get something like a German Shepard for their brains, loyalty, and athleticism.

Another one that I'd consider, depending on where I lived would be something like a border collie- the supposed smartest of all dogs. They are high energy though, meaning they always need something to do, which is why they are perfect for herding sheep and such. I know they aren't exactly a big dog that could be used in terms of police or military use, but with those brains it'd be hard to imagine some sort of agency/outfit not utilizing them in the future.
Back to the helicopter thing for a minute. Word is that the Chinese want to take a look at the remains of the helicopter that was destroyed by the SEALS during the raid due to mechanical issues. The government has requested that the Pakistanis return the helicopter, but it doesn't seem like that will happen until the Chinese have had a look at it first. My thinking is that unless the Pakistanis return the remains of the helicopter ASAP, we should say to heck with Pakistan and cut them off. Let the Chinese have them and see how much fun they have.
The Chinese can't even make a decent turbopump so their new hotshot jets can't keep an engine intact beyond 30 hrs flying time ...

Only the US, UK and Russians can make decent jet engines and pumps.

Australia makes gret surf boards ... our military ones rock !!

The US will be cheesed if the Paks show the chinese but the tech isn't that high ... hopefully the coms gear was junked (std practice).

"No employee of the United States Government shall engage in, or conspire to engage in, political assassination." - US stance on assassination.

Its more of a suggestion then a law.........
I agree. Bin Laden sure as heck was not a head of state or even anything remotely approaching an "official." He was an enemy of the United States and his death was like any other enemy combatant of the United States. He lost the right to anything civil when he killed 2700+ Americans in cold blood.
I don't know if I'd believe anything Musharraf has to say. Remember, when he was in power (1999-2008) he way always saying that bin Laden was in Afghanistan. But if the intelligence is correct, it would appear as if bin Laden lived in Abbottabad for 5-6 years. My point is that Musharraf isn't telling us everything. He wants to run for president the next time there are elections in Pakistan, so it's my guess that he isn't being too honest so he can win. If he loses, the flood gates may open.

O I know, I was just making a point about Musharraf and the shady character that he is.

I have no doubt that there were decoys in the air to throw the Pakistani air defenses off just on the chance that the stealth helicopters were picked up on radar. Smart move to say the least. Plus, I'm sure there was a "top secret" drone of sorts that no one will ever see providing air cover for the mission. This mission proves that we have a lot of tricks in the bag yet that no one knows about.
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