OK I'll say something serious for a change...
As a former New Yorker and also a US-Navy vet, I remember exactly where I was when some of my brethren died 9/11.
I felt a pain probably more than many others out there because of my connections.
Not to belittle others out there because I know other people as well who personally have suffered.
This is about how I feel personally.
I'm glad to see that Obama got Osama, period..
As a multi-racial (African American, Irish Italian, Native American and Scottish - seriously all of them..

) a real hybrid;
I feel I can related to incidents on most social and economical levels.
As a New Yorker I was raised with religious influences all around me daily.
My father is Catholic, my mother is AME, I was once Baptized my self.
In my teens in the streets on NY I learned about Islam, Muslims and 5%-ers of Islam.
(mostly a newer kinda Islam, long story if you do not already know, I'll post a Google link)
The university I mainly studied at had a 'Christian base' environment (tho it didn't mean much..
😀 )
So basically I have seen, experienced and not to be surprised by all.
I wish I was the one to get Osama and I also believe that Obama isn't doing all that well either with his term in office.
I show NO favoritism.
The US just needs to admit that Bush started this over oil back in his days, both of them.
But the attack on 9/11 was the excuse he needed to go in blazin'..
I'm not mad at him about it just disappointed in the way it went down.
I believe that attempt to bargain or barter for the oil would have been a better start.
Kinda like not being mad about Lebron James leaving Cleveland but HOW he left Cleveland.
(just used that as an example, I do not care about Lebron..)