Overall Computer Problems


Mar 21, 2016
Over the last few days my computer has been acting strange. It has been freezing while playing games, where that task manager won't even let me kill the game. You can't wake it back up by moving the mouse or pressing a key on the keyboard. Earlier today after power cycling it a few times it came up with the "No bootable device" error. I haven't really had any of these issues until the last week or so. I have run a full scan of my computer with Windows Defender and nothing. All drivers are up to date, along with Windows. I don't know what's wrong, please help! Thank you in advance. Oh and if it's any help here's a link to my build: http://pcpartpicker.com/user/EmmetWard/saved/ndTQzy
It could very well be your power supply, as Corsair CX are poor quality units with capacitors that don't last. When capacitors fail, this can cause the voltage outputs to have too large of fluctuation and spikes, and hardware such as the CPU, GPU, and motherboard may become unstable and cause freezes and system instabilities. This is very common for these CX power supplies, as is typical with other power supplies that use such Chinese electrolytic capacitors. To be clear, when the system freezes, you can't do anything, correct?
Thank you so much for such a quick response. I had a suspicion it was the PSU. When it freezes I have almost no control, the mouse will work in some windows but wont work on the task manager window so that I could kill the game it froze on. I usually have ended up just pushing the power button and waiting for it to reboot. Also, I sometimes hear a kind of squeaking coming from the computer. You think that could be the PSU? Lastly, does the PSU dying out damage my parts? Again, thank you so much.

I found the website you are talking about but I'm not sure which one I need to download.

So what does that mean? And if you were me where would you go from here?
A hardware problem won't ever have problems like a "mouse working on on window and not another". It's just impossible, a hardware problem is not going to change the core logic and programming of the functioning of a mouse on windows, only software will. Does this happen for all games?

I have not been playing a lot recently but I experienced it on GTA V. Which I know is a pretty intense title to run. Should I try to replicate it on other games?

Okay, so I just loaded up Alien Isolation and ALT+TAB with no trouble. Do you think this could be a virus? What would be the best way for me to check for one?
Might be useless, but run Malwarebytes and see if anything comes up.

Edit 1: "I'm sure this has absolutely nothing to do with it but my gpu has a fair bit of coil whine."

What games does this happen on? I'm going to assume GTAV, and that all depends on what settings you're running it at. I know for me my GPU whines on Sims 3, but that's due to faulty programming.