Overclock Issues


Apr 7, 2009
Hi folks;

I am in need of some help with this system that I have built.

I need to overclock this machine to a reasonable overclock, CPU, FSB, Video Cards, and memory.

Here is the list of what I have in this machine...

Motherboard = BFG 680i SLI

Power Supply = Antec 1000w

Case = Antec 900 Really love this case!!

Video Cards = 2 Nvidia 8800 GTX Video cards are bridged together to use the SLI

Memory = Corsair TWIN2X4096-8500C5D G " The 2 Video Cards 640 Mb's each are bridged together and have 640Mb's of Ram each".

All of the components listed are supposed to be " Overclocked " like crazy?

I really need some help so that I can do the mods in the Bios area of this machine.

If anyone can help with instructions, to bring the CPU up to 3.0 MHz. from 2.4 MHz.

Thanks folks I hope someone can help on this one.

your cpu is a....... Q6600 im guessing?


Appreciate te reply, and yes the CPU is a Q6600.

Hope this helps, because I sure would like to OC this about midway to it's full OC max. I figure that I will be able to get a lot more speed, while not having to worry about burning anything UP.

I do have the Nvidia 6.03 Tool set installed but I don't want to guess at the settings, this machine cost way too much.....


680i motherboards have been showing mixed results overclocking with first gen C2Q's. Some people have reported success. Some have not.

I'm one of the "not's".

I had an E6600 running at 3.6 GHz. in my eVGA 680i. I built another system with a Gigabyte P35 motherboard and a Q6600. That was running at 3.6 GHz.

I had bought the Q6600 at Fry's in Texas. They included a low spec ECS motherboard in a combo deal. Eventually I bought a Q9550 for the Gigabyte board (also running at 3.6 GHz). I moved the E6600 to the ECS motherboard (work computer) and intended to use the Q6600 in the 680i board. I have yet to achieve stability even at stock speeds. 🙁

Still trying, though.