Well what voltage where you running? I assume you know DDR used higher voltage compared to DDR2, the Gskill should be running around 2.2-2.4v so it shouldn't be bad. My Mushkin DDR500 runs at 2.9v and is stil cold to the touch almost (but i've got great flow 8O).
I had issues picking my RAM, nothing quite fit my bill correctly. Trying to find D9's in cheaper ram is a hard job, so I settled on the Gskill. I actually forgot it was DDR2 1000 lol. Oh well, I am shooting for 511x9 on my E4300 but RD600 has true independent memory clocking, so we shall see.
Thanks for the heads up 😀
Yw for the 965.
I had issues picking my RAM, nothing quite fit my bill correctly. Trying to find D9's in cheaper ram is a hard job, so I settled on the Gskill. I actually forgot it was DDR2 1000 lol. Oh well, I am shooting for 511x9 on my E4300 but RD600 has true independent memory clocking, so we shall see.
Thanks for the heads up 😀
Yw for the 965.