
Sep 21, 2007
Hey guys.........after much waiting I finally decided to build my own P.C.

Its nothing too high-end and I don't want to exceed $700-800 on parts (OS not included) but I plan on overclocking....

Heres what I got: Opinions Welcomed

Case: Antec 900 ($35 rebate on egg) seems like everyone likes it

CPU: Intel E2180.....overclocking to 3.x (something around there)

Mobo: Gigabyte P35-DS3R people seem to love it

RAM: DDR2-800 (not sure about model)
I was considering Corsair, Crucial Ballistix, or Patriot....which is better (warranty, overclock, reliable, etc)?

GPU: 8800GT :) couple questions:

1) What brand do you recommend? Best warranty.....etc. I saw EVGAs step up program
2) Should you get a preoverclocked card or does it not matter (might do it myself more anyways)
2) Does overclocking or changing the cooler void the warranty or can you just change it back without them knowing? (Heard 8800GT has bad cooling: any cooling suggestions welcome)

Cooling: I want to get a nice cooler for the CPU........people like the Thermalright 120 Extreme and Tuniq Tower
Which is the best (other suggestions welcome)

OS: I was considering Vista (32 bit) for DX10, unless u guys highly do not advice that (then I'll just get XP)

I have no clue about Power Supplies, Hard Drives, and Optical Drives.

I want a reliable good PSU that will last awhile with upgrades (need suggestions)
I don't know anything about HDDs. I don't need anything fancy (like Raptor) and would like 250-320 Gb, just a good brand, etc.
On the Optical Drive I just want something good, fast and it must be DVD-Rom, RW, etc. (I don't know what brands are good)

I plan on playing Crysis with med.-high settings, and other new games

So what do you guys think/suggest?


Oct 3, 2007
ATM it looks like Samsung is making the best optical drives. A lot of people recommend the SH-S203B, it's fast, stable and SATA.

You can't really go wrong with Western Digital hard drives, and larger capacity drives are cheap enough that you can get almost as much as you could use.


Mar 23, 2007

Must have changed your mind from this post

Looking good silverion77 Antec 900 has awesome airflow, e2180 is an OC's dream (cheap and oc through the roof). Excellent mobo (consider DS3L is you dont need RAID). Now to the nitty gritty:

RAM: Crucial is looking like the best stuff out there currently good reliability (lifetime warranty all memory companies seem to have nowadays, note its life of product though which i think most say 10 years)
GPU: Id go for either eVGA, XfX or BFG if you are elidgable for step-up id go for eVGA. Id suggest that if you want an OCed card to buy a preOCed because it will VOID warranty for OCing... I dont know much about third party cooling for these yet.
Cooling: Get the Thermalright 120 Extreme Ultra mega uber cooler, its the best one around... note youll need a fan, most like Scythe fans quality and quiet.
OS: Vista shouldnt be as much of an issue anymore and SP1 is around the corner. If you are getting 4gb + RAM id go with 64bit OS

Corsair520 or 620
Prolly Overkill for your system but they are awesome PSU's and you said you wanted solid and will last upgrades :)

Most if not all HDD and ODD are pretty much the same these days especially ODD. Stick with SATA for ODD and Seagate, WD for harddrive.
Chookman has some good advice for you.

I would recommend the PC-P&C silencer610, directly from them for $119.99. More than you need, but you can keep it for a long time.

With such great deals on memory, go ahead and get 4gb up front and vista-64. I just started the crysis demo which seems to run well. They want you to download the update to use more memory. Can't hurt.

I can second the recommendation for the Samsung SH-203B. Works well, and is very quiet.

---good luck---


Jan 13, 2007
With RAM so cheap go ahead and get 4 gigs of DDR2. Since its not recommended to run a 2180 above 333 FSB anyway (and thats 3.33 gigahertz, PLENTY), all you really need is DDR2-667 RAM if you run a 1:1 multiplier. You could get DDR2-800 if you want to upgrade the processor later and run a 400 FSB on it. But Vista loves memory like a crackhead loves crack, so get 4 gigs.

As far as overclocked factory cards, they only have the benefit of carrying a warranty from the factory. Usually, its only three or so years though. And how long will an overclocked card last to those factory settings? Maybe three years and a month. I'm not being skeptical, but unless you are REALLY inexperienced and don't have money to blow on your own overclocking attempts, you are probably just as well off buying something to OC yourself. You shouldn't need to overclock that GT though: the thing is a beast!

And the Tuniq Tower is half as expensive as the processor isn't it? I'd try the Scythe SCMNJ-1000 80mm Sleeve "NINJA MINI" CPU Cooler. Its like $30, and cools well.

DEFINITELY get a 64 bit OS. No reason not to, alright? Ok? We're good on this right? Really? Just being sure.


Jun 13, 2006
Yes that Crucial Ballistix is great stuff, and if you can find a GPU cooler designed for any of the 7900 series cards they'll fit the 8800GT. If you ever had a problem with your 8800GT you could aways put the stock cooler back on. Better cooling on a OC'ed card will get you better results. EVGA has a super super OC version SSC, core clock 700MHz instead of the stock 600MHz.


May 28, 2007
amd socket am2 has a new "black" edition of their 2.6 proc... will overclock stable to 3.2. and it sits at 130 bucks... essentially just get a mobo that will allow you to up the multiplier to like 16x or whatever, tap the voltage up less than .1v and viola, 3.2 ghz proc for 30 bucks less than a 3.0 without stressing your mobo or overheating your proc. anyway, inexpensive/performance/OC i'd hit up amd. :p

oh and linux is free... ubuntu linux is a good release.

I like your thinking there. Yes the AMD 5000+ BE will go to 3-3.2 gig pretty easy, since the multiplier is unlocked (that would cost you near $700 or more for that feature on an Intel chip). The benefit of going with the AMD route is that the mobo won't cost you an arm and a leg. The only downside is that I'm not sure a 3.2gig x2 is any faster than a 3.2 gig e2180. So there is that to consider too. The nice part about the AMD version is that you don't have to bump up the FSB to get good results, plus the NB/SB don't get elevated temps because of the FSB raise. So you get a trade off: $130 AMD CPU w/$60 mobo or $90 CPU w/$130 mobo = ~$30 price difference. I just noticed that the BE on newegg doesn't come with a CPU cooler! That would cost you more $, unless you already own an AMD CPU with a HSF on it that you could use on the BE.


Jan 8, 2006
Stick with Intel, contrary to what someone else mentioned. Buyin an AMD is like taking a Cadillac CTS over a BMW 335i...there's no reason to unless you're a fan boy.

NEVER buy your PSU from newegg, they always overcharge and hardly ever give free shipping on the good PSU's. has great prices on Corsair PSU's, the best I've seen in fact. I purchased one a month or so ago...perfect:
$68.49 - Corsair 520hx
$51.99 - Corsair 450vx

You may try to find an OEM e21xx processor to save a few bucks since you're going to buy an aftermarket HSF anyway.

As others have stated, Western Digital or Seagate for hard drives and Samsung or Pioneer for DVD drives.

You may want to consider an Nvidia 600-series SLi motherboard in case you find you need another 8800GT (Crysis brings down the GTX, and the GT is a little slower than the GTX).


Sep 29, 2007
Its Silverion77, just on another PC (older username and dont remember other password)

This might have slipped by but this is sort of a budget PC ;)

4 Gigs is a little much (price) .........could just be me (unless I get 2x 2x1 Gb for $100ish but that seems silly) or is that okay?
I dont plan on RAID so is there any other difference between the DS3L and DS3R (overclocking potential, hardware, features, etc.)

For OS is OEM single pack eventually when I get a new motherboard (for say) will I not be able to load it again?
And are there any compatibility problems with 64 bit OS?

I do not plan on SLIing thats why im getting P35....and by the time I do I will replace parts

Also, no AMD keeping with intel in case i get Penryn...

How are OCZ PSU the 700W GameX.....whatever is $70 or is that bad.....maybe I'll stick with what u suggested


Mar 23, 2007
if 4x1gb is that much cheaper its not that bad to get, you loose upgrade abilities and its not as good for OCing harder to get 4 sticks doing the same than it is 2 sticks...
RAID is the only difference nothing else changes...
OCZ also makes good PSU''s and that would suit your proposed rig

So there you have it.


Sep 21, 2007
My budget is around $800 for the harware.....(no OS etc.,)

Yeah....RAID is not a big deal to me so the DS3L seems fine then (or the IP35-E which is better?)

When you get the 4x1 packs its more expensive than 2 2x1 packs (MIR) but for now Ill get 2 Gigs, is there that much of a difference anyways besides bragging rights?

For OS I'll get Vista Premium 64 bit (about $111 on egg)

For PSU I want one that will last and is around $100 (or less)

What's the difference between Corsair 520 HW and 550 VX

And do number of Rails matter like 3x18 rails vs 1 41/60 rail
The 520HX is from their "higher" quality line, the VX is the value series, which isn't bad either. The 520HX has 40 amps on the the combined rails and the 550vx has 41 amps on it's single rail. From my reading, the 520HX is a better more robust PSU. They both have 5 yr. warranties, so your covered either way. I'd get the 520HX myself, since it's at $68.50 right now at Normally it's around $100, so it's a steal right now.
AFAIK the Abit and Gigabyte are about the same (IP35-e/DS3L). Depends on who you talk too. The IP35-e can be had for a little less usually, especially with the MIR's that it occasionally has (around $20, IIR).


Sep 21, 2007
Will 520w be enough for the system and for future upgrades?

Also how is the 620 HX?

Any reason really to get the IP35-E over the DS3L?

And also about the RAM, is 2 (two) 2x1 Gb (4gb all together) worth it?
Whats the performance gain between 2 and 4 Gb?
520w would be enough, but who knows what the future will hold. The 620hx would give you more room, but if $ is tight the 520hx would be just fine. The IP35-e and DS3L are pretty much the same, other than the occasional $20 MIR that the IP35-e has. Haven't seen any MIR's on the DS3L, but I don't catch everything. I've read that if you fill up all 4 memory slots on a motherboard that your timing changes. Not exactly sure what happens, since I haven't researched it that much. 2 gig's right now is plenty for 95% of things. 4 gig's is better, but you have to have a 64bit OS to take full advantage of the 4 gig's. For me, I would get CAS 4 DDR2 800mHz using only 2 gig's for now. If you really want 4 gig's than go with a 64bit OS (vista premium or XP pro). If you use all 4 memory slots, there isn't a problem with that, but then if you want more in a year or so, you'd have to pull some out and install newer bigger ones into them.
So to recap:
520hx $70
e2180 $90
2 gig's DDR2 800mHz $65
Case $100 for 900 or $40-60 for Cooler Master one
GPU $250 for 8800gt
mobo $100 or so for either DS3L or IP35-e
DVD burner $35
HDD $80 320 gigs would do

Total $790 w/900 case or $730 w/a Cooler Master case.
If you have HD and DVD drive and you wait for the 8800gt's to settle down in price, you'd be at about $600-630. Then you could tweak it further. So do you have a HD and a DVD burner already?

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