Overclocking HD3000 (onboard intel) help Quicksync?


Jan 12, 2010
I'm transcoding a lot of video using Intel's Quicksync via Handbrake. Does anyone know if there will be a benefit of overclocking the onboard graphics chip? I know I can get more FPS (but I use discrete cards for that).


+1 Both of those are correct. Although as far OC'ing the iGPU goes, it probably WOULD speed up QuickSync encoding to some degree.
huh? Quicksync is a dedicated hardware encoder and does not run on the iGPU so overclocking the iGPU will have 0 effect to my knowledge.

As said, Handbrake does not use quicksync, only the cpu so overclocking the cpu is one of the ways to improve performance. You can also improve performance by adding drives so that source and destination are not on the same drive. This way one drive wont have to split its bandwidth between reads and writes. Remember everytime the heads have to move theres an average of about ~12ms to do so; not only do you cut your data bandwidth in half for read and writes you add in a delay and end up with read, delay, write, delay, read, delay, write, delay... its also recommended to have a seperate boot drive.
Correct, handbrake does not use quicksync. Media espresso does and in my experience, does it incredibly well. Fast and great output quality.

I'm done with cuda. Inconsistent, glitchy, output riddled with inexplicable artefacts and noticeably lower quality.

It's a real shame not more apps support quicksync
huh? Quicksync is a dedicated hardware encoder and does not run on the iGPU so overclocking the iGPU will have 0 effect to my knowledge.

That may be true, but if it IS, why do you have to have the iGPU enabled for Quick Sync work? If it didn't need the iGPU, you wouldn't need to have it enabled...

Regardless, Quick Sync DOES indeed use the iGPU. Just do a Google search if you need confirmation. Or here: http://www.xbitlabs.com/articles/graphics/display/intel-hd-graphics-2000-3000_4.html