Well let me get straight to the point, when I try to overclock my system fails to post and tells me to either continue to bios setting to fix it or boot with previous settings.
CPU - Intel core 2 duo E6600
P/S - 430w
Ram - 3GB (1gb, 1gb, 2x512mb)
Mobo - Intel D975XBX2
The weird thing is if i even try to "OC" by increasing the bus speed by one it will give a fail post. I know you have to increase voltage but I read that people can OC an E6600 to 3ghz with stock voltage. I have a really good cooling system so I'm not worried about temp neither is that a problem when OC'ing. any help would be great thanks in advance
CPU - Intel core 2 duo E6600
P/S - 430w
Ram - 3GB (1gb, 1gb, 2x512mb)
Mobo - Intel D975XBX2
The weird thing is if i even try to "OC" by increasing the bus speed by one it will give a fail post. I know you have to increase voltage but I read that people can OC an E6600 to 3ghz with stock voltage. I have a really good cooling system so I'm not worried about temp neither is that a problem when OC'ing. any help would be great thanks in advance