Overclocking i7 920 d0 with Asus rampage ii gene

I figured it out! Step 1 thru 3 on the i7 overclocking guide are in my bios just worded differently as was stated. Step 4 you have to load the Asus Turbo V software to access the base clock. I read somewhere that it was not good to tinker with bios settings through windows but this is the only way to access the remaining settings. I did not have to increase the voltage as of yet(no blue screen so far). I have currently overclocked to 3.6 . As you raise the base clock by 10 it increases the GHz by .20. So 183 on the base clock gave me 3.6GHz
I also just built an I7 920 box with an Asus rampage ii Gene mb for now all I did is CPU LVL UP and I'm at 3.37 stable. But soon I am going to be looking for overclocking profiles to try out as far as overclocking goes I'm A COMPLETE NEWBIE. So if any one can point me in the right direction would be Great....

Thanks for the link. Right now all I did is CPU LvL up to the 965cpu and went into the bios and reduced the core voltage TO 1.1625 RUNS STABLE 24 HOURS PRIME95 @51c temp I plan to do more down the road. but for now I'm doing as much research as possible so I DON'T MESS UP MY CPU.
Thanks again.

I know about that and stuff but I am sort of just looking for some results so I can find out where to start then I can tweak from there.

If you want I'll send you some pics of my bios since we have the same setup.
I don't know if you still need these but 180 bsclk 20 multi @ 1.10v cpu voltage 3.6ghz and 1804mhz on my memory I have OCZ Gold 2000mhz memory. 1.35qpi/dram volts and 1.64v dram