Overclocking My Wolfdale e8400


May 1, 2009
I need some help clocking my wolfdale to 3.6 ghz, first off i can only get it to run at 3.55 ghz safely with the multiplier set 9 and the cpu frquency at 395, i have read almost everwhere that these cpu's can be overclocked without difficulty all the way up to 3.8 ghz without even changing the cpu voltage, i have to crank my voltage from the default of like 1.265 up to 1.355 i think before its running pretty stabily, also if i go higher than 3.55 my onboard lan port stopps working.

Idk if it helps but my MoBo is an intel dp45sg which i have also heard intel boards suck for overclocking.

My question is bassicly what is The Ich/Mch option? do i need to change it to get the cpu running stably? And also are there any other settings that i need to change?

Or should i just forget about overclocking?
Need more specs: memory, PSU, HSF, case.

Overclocking depends on so many factors:
motherboards - some brands and models are simply better than others.

CPU - including the luck of the draw, particularly with respect to the VID. Sound like you have a fairly high VID.


PSU - need good stable power.

CPU cooler (otherwise known as HSF) - some are much better than others, and you cannot judge by appearance. 2nd gen C2 heatsinks are about half the size of 1st gen heatsinks and therefore shouldn't be use above stock frequencies.

Case - You should have a case that good at moving air through it.

Two guides:
HOWTO: Overclock C2Q (Quads) and C2D (Duals) - Guide v1.6.1

Core 2 Quad and Duo Temperature Guide

Try googling "dp45sg overclock" for more ideas.
I o/c'ed my E8400 to 3.6ghz just by putting the fsb to 400. No change in anything else. Using the stock cooler and it doesn't go above 50*C playing COD:WAW or Company of Heroes. Sits around 30*C to 34*C on idle with speedstep enabled. The ram tried to change to a higher frequency but doesn't run that stable above 800mhz when it gets hot. I have also heard from numerous places that all the Intel boards that are actually made by intel are made more for stability than o/cing. I don't have any experience with them so I don't know for sure. Good luck.

Ok so i am running crucial memory at 1333 which is the stock speed, i am using the stock intel heatsink, my case has four fans and good ventalation, my graphics card is an h.i.s radeon 4870 iceqt and my psu is a KINGWIN ABT-730MM.