Owned by watercooling


Oct 12, 2001
Here is my latest adventure.
Hooked the water cooling up to my nforce2 mobo. Turned on the pump. I was greeted by cascading sheets of water running down my new board, and onto my new geforce4 ti4200.
Out comes the blow dryer. Let things dry. I get a post. minutes later - graphics get all garbled. end of computer.
Here is where it gets weird. I put in a different video card and a different mobo (air cooled this time). Right before post, i get the EXACT same garbled screen. Not a random garble, the exact garble on a different setup.
Then I unhook a second hard drive. restart - everything posts fine. I format the second hard drive and rehook it up, everything is fine (so far - except for a random reboot).
No you guys tell me, why is gods name would a HD cause graphics to garble and not post to desktop? Sure there is a chance something else caused it, but I cant figure out what. The memory, PSU and HD were the only items from the first fried system I had in there. Any ideas?

Benchmarks are like sex, everybody loves doing it, everybody thinks they are good at it.
I had to say no idea at all, so sorry. But nice to see you again Texas! :smile: Was wondering where were you all this time.

Still looking for a <b>good online retailer</b> in Spain :frown:
Ouch. Reading that made me cringe. Can't help you though. I have no idea what could be behind that.

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Guns kill people just like spoons make Rosie O'Donnell fat.
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Yikes! That is the exact reason I don't use watercooling. I'd always be nervous that it would spring a leak, and I'd be in your situation.

I can't imagine why a hard drive would cause the system to go screwy though. I can't even imagine why it wouldn't cause the same problems in another system (you obviously took it to another system to format it?)

The world is a strange and scary place, mostly because there are people like us in it.

<i>I can love my fellow man...but I'm damned if I'll love yours.</i>
They should bundle "practice pc components and case" with those watercooling devices. So you can test the water cooling device first and avoid these catastrophic events.

Are there any popular and reliable custom built PC makers that offer water cooling? If so the system will get a full 3 year warranty even when the water cooling system leaks and damages the system.
There is a possibility the monitor cable got hosed. But things seem to be ok on the old system. So if it was the cable, it must have dried out.

Im not really "back" per se. I just wanted to see if the smart people of Tom's had any clue what the hell happened to my PC.
But it wouldnt be a techie post without something. So lemme think... something harmless but midly interesting.... Hammer is in b2 stepping silicon.

Benchmarks are like sex, everybody loves doing it, everybody thinks they are good at it.