Pretty good article, but I'd really just have to favor the i7 920 myself, or the Phenom II 955 if you insist on AMD. Why? Well, if you're going to go multi-core why stop at 2 or 3 when quad core CPUs really aren't that much more.
The Phenom II & i7 I'd further pick for, hopefully, some additional "future proofness" of socket 1366 or AM3, as LGA-775 is effectively dead already, and 1156 looks to be more questionable in the long run. AM3 seems like it'll be good for a while given their new CPU design plans and projected target dates, as I'd think it'd be unlikely of them to introduce a new CPU arch in between that would require a socket change.
The GPU charts are good, but at this point we seem to be stuck between a rock and a hard place: AMD may well have 58XX/57XX/etc. out, but they're difficult to get hold of plus their linux drivers are still not quite ready yet. OTOH nVidia won't have their DX11 GPUs out until next year, and seeing as they also use TSMC may be in the same delivery sort of bind that AMD is in now. Given all of this, I'd have to say go for a cheap interim GPU if you insist on building a new system right now, then replace it later OTOH I've been needing to build a replacement desktop system since April, yet wanted to see what happened with 1156 and now feel the above wrt GPUs and so will just wait a few more months for things to shake out as my current notebook is, functionally, slightly superior to the desktop in the replacement queue which is a good thing as the desktop is dead and socket 939 which makes decently priced replacement CPUs difficult/non-cost effective to source. (So this will be a nearly complete build including mb, PSU, GPU, DRAM, CPU and maybe a shiny new case(old one is an Antec w/4 fans, but isn't the greatest setup for working with, plus I have an old 3200+ which could go into the old machine turning it into another server of some type. Really want to see if I can find one of those cases with a removeable tray for mounting the mb/hdd cages/etc. in a good/relatively decently priced case with lots of fans.)