I prefer tolled bays for better mounting of the drives. The data is worth more to me than the case... Newer cases do look nice but are to light weight and are not that sturdy compared to older and server cases. If the metal is think then you may have a decent quality case. Thick steel and aluminum works the best in the end. Newer cases do cool better due to better options when it comes to fans and have grills but many are not as roomy. I can mount just about any card that I would like in my rust bucket including cards that max out eatx rigs (oem). So if I were asked that I could use a v56k,7900gtx duo, or a 5970 then yes I have room to spare. However it did skim on drive bays but I compensate with adapters in the 5.25 bays. Runs nice and cool to. Managed to get a 8800gtx down to 30-40c on idle and the lowest temp on one of my drives before many of my mods was 19c. My much newer Thermaltake however nice to the eyes isn't when it comes to management. Xaser V silver