T Tanker3 Distinguished Jul 31, 2006 13 0 18,510 Aug 10, 2006 #1 Does anyone know of a free partitioning software, or a demo that would let me partition my hardrive? Thanks for your help
Does anyone know of a free partitioning software, or a demo that would let me partition my hardrive? Thanks for your help
sturm Splendid Apr 1, 2002 3,829 0 22,960 Aug 16, 2006 #2 Why not partition it in windows or at install? Now if you mean repartition a drive with data on it then thats a different question. Look in the hard drive forums. Lots of posts for it there.
Why not partition it in windows or at install? Now if you mean repartition a drive with data on it then thats a different question. Look in the hard drive forums. Lots of posts for it there.