Paul ryan's new budget proposal

Providing for the Common Defense
Streamlining Other Government Agencies
Restraining the Growth of Government by Repealing the Health Care Law
Ending Corporate Welfare
Changing Washington’s Culture of Spending
Strengthening the Social Safety Net ......................................................................................................... 38
Repairing a Broken Medicaid System
Stopping the Abuse of Medicaid by Repealing the Health Care Law
Protecting Assistance for Those in Need
Preparing the Workforce for a 21st Century Economy
Fulfilling the Mission of Health and Retirement Security for All Americans .................................... 44
Saving Medicare
Stopping the Raid on Medicare by Repealing the Health Care Law
Advancing Social Security Reforms
Pro-Growth Tax Reform .............................................................................................................................. 50
Simplifying the Tax Code for Individuals
Stopping Job-Destroying Tax Hikes by Repealing the Health Care Law

Whats wrong with this?
I dont really see how cutting a 1/3 of education spending would be good for our nation.

No Nasa (Not that its doing great now).

You live in a small town F*ck your roads. Theres no money to pay for it. Because we are cutting transportation and infrastructure by about 25%.

No school lunch aid programs for kids.

What about the CBO estimates that the elderly would be paying double for medicare?

From what Ive been reading it almost looks like a voucher plan thats calculated in advance to force people into private health insurance. And as JDJ so kindly pointed out the other day what about preexisting conditions? Sickle cell anemia, cancer, predisposition to disease. Under Ryans plan the cost of the same plan will go up forcing people into private insurance and I dont know if youve ever had to deal with preexisting conditions but private insurers wont touch you.

This is just putting so much power into large corporations that want nothing more than to make a buck.

Id add, alot of this is of course, OK all of this is negotiable, meaning, strike off much of it in full corrections/changes, so the other side, be it dem or rep, as these proposals wont sit well with either side in its fullness, so they too can go home banging their drum.
But I agree, we have to have some drastic changes til the economy floats us beyond our desires, and hopefully dont approach such a cutting edge in spending ever again
Here is the other side of the coin. There are quite a few discrepancies between his budget and the predicted budget.

His budget is half done, it doesn't even put in place the means by which he hopes to accomplish what he says for half the things mentioned. His budget says he is going to get the corporate tax to an even 25%, yet he doesn't even have a good plan in place to do this. In fact the main opinion people are getting from his budget is that it would actually INCREASE the deficit marginally. He decreases taxes by such an insane amount that it doesn't even match his budget cuts, which are quite substantial as well.

Not to mention that cutting education funding is just wrong, on so many levels. We are are in a rapidly developing global economy and our country's workforce has to be able compete with the all the other advanced countries. We can not be a nation of uneducated, uncompetitive people, we will never be able to compete with China, India, and other countries when it comes to cheap unskilled labor. We need a highly skilled workforce to compete and find our niche within this global economy.

The GOP would be happy having a poor uneducated work force. Thats just good business.

I dont want to be a nation of button pushers. America should be pumping out high quality college educated workers. Thats the ONLY way to compete with countries like India. FYI India produces more doctors every year than there are people graduating from American colleges every year regardless of the field. Think about that, and now you have a guy who wants to handicap our ability to train the next generation?

Cuts to infrastructure would force people into population centers, welfare will explode because It would be highly unpopular for any administration to have people dieing in the streets. the CBO has stated that seniors would be paying more for healthcare (Almost 50%). And as Johnsonma pointed out there is a very good chance this will increase the deficit.

I'm really curious to better understand their arguments and what they think and how to prevent this downfall from happening. This would be one of the things I'm very seriously intrigued about. Yet, I never really get an clear answer on their perspective to understand the viewpoint.

Great conversation to have over a beer. Get those comments flowing. :)

Also, I'm glad to know there are other people out there who share the same thoughts as I.

I don't half *** stuff when I set my mind to it OMG, going all the way to a communism utopia, helllllllll yeaaaaaa buddy!

His attempt at a budget isn't even close to what a real budget would look like, its a political ploy. Why would you cut spending by so much just to make another deficit, it makes no sense, must of been high when he thought this up.
Page 50 for the tax reform, the budget cuts and sprinkled throughout the document. He just assumes to much which it comes to the budget, like he can predict how everything will pan out.

As for the lack of seriousness, here is an article from the New York Times, don't dismiss it because it says new york, it makes valid points.
I don't see anything worse in the way they propose their solution than what Obama's budget does though? Everyone assumes their actions creates an increase. The CBO is notoriously horrible in predicting the impact of the changes.

His cuts aren't meant to be graceful and all rainbows and unicorns. It will hurt some. But it is for the better.

Why did Bush's tax cuts not start a period of sustained economic growth then?
2001, 9/11 hurt.
Housing collapse, 2004/2005, continuing on through and still going.

Bush has a series of bad events during his presidency and I think in 30-40-50 years, he'll be regarded as a better president than what people think today. He had hurricanes to deal with to boot and bad tornados.

Most presidents would have failed horribly in those events. He did well considering the amount of pressure on it. Yet, we have Obama.. who had to deal with an oil leak in the Gulf and really has failed miserably at that. Other than that.. he really has been tried on anything.. and I'm grateful because he's really not doing that good of a job with the basics.

Bull**** he did, the actual impact of the destruction of the world trade centers had very LITTLE impact economically. Entrepreneurship? Give me 5 examples of entrepreneurship being the reason that we recovered from the terrorist attacks, talk about rhetoric. The world trade center was important but it was not vital by any means.

The housing bubble created the illusion of economic stability and full employment, in the end it is the biggest reason we are where we are today. I asked you why the tax cuts didn't create SUSTAINED economic growth and you gave me half answers, the answer is because the tax cuts combined with the housing bubble and two wars were the perfect storm for a recession. They weren't the only things, but they were pretty big reasons that help lead us to where we are.

Talk about a loaded question, yeesh!

What the hell did Bush accomplish while he was president? NCLB? That was suppose to be his crowning achievement and it turned out to be hazardous to education throughout the nation.

He inherited the biggest economic downturn since the great depression and you think that he hasn't been tried on anything? How delusional are you? He pushed through healthcare reform that has been in the making for 20 years, yet he hasn't been tried on anything. He has been faced with more prejudice and disrespect than any president since the formation of our Country, and yet, he hasn't been tried on anything. Bush's biggest struggle was with the terrorist attack and he failed miserably at that, just like with hurricane katrina.
But a valid question given his position and his remarks on fixing the economy. He has expectations that a huge amount of money will still need to be borrowed to start fixing the things this administration is doing wrong.

Your completely wrong OMG, it's like you haven't even researched it. The airlines were already struggling, and mergers are a natural part of business, they are doing pretty good now. Entrepreneurship had nothing to do with us surviving the terrorist attack economically, no idea where you came up with that. Its a natural part of capitalism, why you are singling it out is beyond me.

The housing bubble just covered up the reality that our economy was not doing very good under Bush, its that simple.

You are lying to yourself if you thing that the economy was doing well under Bush. It was all a facade created by the housing bubble, it was not real, the truth is we were already in trouble before the housing bubble covered it up and in the end it made it exponentially worse.

There were other far more important issues involved with the struggles of the airlines. You are overstating the impact of the terrorist attack, out of fear maybe? That was the real crime against us, making us fear them.