Question PC boots with power, but no display signal after initial BIOS setup

Jul 17, 2024
I recently built a new PC with the following specifications:
  • CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 5600 3.5 GHz 6-Core Processor
  • CPU Cooler: ID-COOLING SE-224-XTS 70 CFM CPU Cooler
  • Motherboard: Asus PRIME B550M-A WIFI II Micro ATX AM4
  • RAM: Corsair Vengeance RGB Pro 16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4-3200 CL16
  • Storage: ADATA Legend 800 1 TB M.2-2280 PCIe 4.0 X4 NVME SSD
  • GPU: ASRock Steel Legend OC Radeon RX 7600 8 GB
  • Case: NZXT H5 Flow RGB ATX Mid Tower
  • Power Supply: CoolMax ZX-600 600 W 80+ Certified ATX
After initially setting up the PC, it booted successfully into the BIOS. I made adjustments to the clock settings and saved them. However, the next day when I attempted to boot the PC again, it powers on (all RGB lights and keyboard are functional), but there is no display signal on the monitor. The monitor reports "no signal" despite being connected to the GPU (Radeon RX 7600) via HDMI.

Troubleshooting Steps Taken:
  • I have reseated the GPU and RAM modules multiple times to ensure they are properly connected.
  • I cleared the CMOS by removing the battery and shorting the CMOS reset pins.
  • I tested with a single RAM stick in different slots and tried different combinations.
  • All cables and connections have been checked for proper seating and functionality.
  • I have confirmed that the monitor and HDMI cable are functional by testing with another device.
Despite these efforts, the issue persists, and I am seeking advice on further troubleshooting steps or potential solutions to resolve the lack of display signal upon booting.

Any assistance or insights would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Jul 17, 2024
Power Supply: CoolMax ZX-600 600 W 80+ Certified ATX
^ Is this the PSU you're working with? If so, please invest in a reliably built PSU with at leas 650W of power at the entire system's disposal.
Thank you for the PSU recommendation. I'm currently using the CoolMax ZX-600 in my build and understand the need for a reliable PSU with adequate wattage. While I plan to upgrade to a PSU with at least 650W, I'm also focused on resolving the persistent issue of no display signal upon booting. Any suggestions to fix this problem would be greatly appreciated as I work towards ensuring both immediate and long-term stability for my system.

Does it have an in-built graphics adapter?? If so try disabling it, if enabled.
Thank you for the suggestion. However, the AMD Ryzen 5 5600 CPU does not have integrated graphics, so there isn't an onboard graphics adapter to disable. The display signal issue persists despite this limitation. If you have any other troubleshooting ideas, I'd appreciate your input!
Jul 17, 2024
I’ve reseated all components, ensured all cables are securely connected, and verified that BIOS settings are correct. Despite these efforts, the issue of no display signal upon booting persists. To address this:
  1. BIOS/UEFI Reset: I’ve performed a CMOS reset according to the motherboard manual, but the problem persists.
  2. GPU Testing: I’ve tested the GPU in another system where it functioned correctly. Conversely, I tried a known-working GPU in my system with no improvement in display output.
  3. Minimal Configuration: Booting with minimal hardware (CPU, one RAM stick, GPU) did not resolve the issue.
Given these steps, it seems the problem might lie elsewhere, possibly with the motherboard or CPU compatibility despite the Ryzen 5 5600 being correctly installed.

I have a strong suspicion that the issue may indeed be related to the BIOS, but I honestly do not know.

Here’s why:
  1. Clock Adjustment: The only recent change I made was adjusting the clock settings in the BIOS.
  2. Symptoms Match BIOS Issues: The system powers on, but there’s no display signal, which can sometimes indicate settings not properly applied.
Any further insights or specific troubleshooting steps would be greatly appreciated as I continue to work towards resolving this issue.