Question Pc case with 12 to 13 PCIE Expansion Slots


Jan 4, 2021
Hi I am looking for a pc case with 12 to 13 Pcie expansion slots. I am building a pc with 4 HD 7970's (Asus Direct CU II 3GB) They are 3 slot cards. Yes I could do 4 HD 7970's that are of the 2 Slot Variant or 2 HD 7990s. But these are the only ones I have on hand and HD 7990's are rare to come by. Test benches could work but those only come with 8 slots so it would look kind of funky. Hope you guys can help me on this one, Ive been scouring google for a little and couldn't find any besides 11 slot ones which would not work since 4 Of my cards require 12 slots.
That essentially is a mining rig.

Didn't think about mining cases. That might work Well I would need to remove one of the fans to access the display ports but yeah. Also It would seem like a mining rig but I assure you I do not plan on doing mining. I don't even know how to do it. Either way thanks for the reply. This could also work for a nice quad sli RTX 3090 in the future, even though it might not support it. I have seen people do it so it might be possible just have to wait until they come down in price that might be a decade. But I am keeping this post up just in case someone finds a non open air chasis.

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