Question PC experiencing lag and stutters everytime I install Nvidia drivers while using PCIE gen 4 config in bios

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Jul 31, 2024
Hi so Ive been experiencing very immense lag and stutters everytime I install nvidia drivers while using pcie gen 4 config in bios(set in auto but auto uses gen 4)
however everytime I turn the pcie slot config to gen 3 or use the second pcie slot which is gen 3 at default, the lag and stutters go away, does anyone know what exactly is happening to my pc?
Ive tried using 3 different older nvidia drivers but no fix(used DDU in safeboot to uninstall the drivers)

pc specs
Mobo: GIGABYTE B550M DS3H Rev 1.4
CPU: Ryzen 5 5600

also infos that might help: -RTX 3060 is newly bought this week cause I've had some no display/posting issues with my recent gpu GIGABYTE RX 5700XT, and during my time with my old gpu, it would sometimes post after a very long time 5-20 minutes however once it posted, it didn't have the lag and stutters i'm experiencing with my rtx 3060 today and could even play and run stress test with it.
-Ive experienced"Video Internal scheduler error" with my rtx 3060
-(Might be unrelated but)somehow pc wont boot to windows if I dont have all my drives in the boot priority list even though I only have windows in 1 drive.

some people from discord said it might be my Motherboard as it is a bad entry level board, however my board is only 8 months old.
Do you guys think its the Motherboard? or a faulty gpu?

"however everytime I turn the pcie slot config to gen 3 or use the second pcie slot which is gen 3 at default, the lag and stutters go away, does anyone know what exactly is happening to my pc?"

Use Task Manager, Resource Monitor, and Process Explorer (Microsoft, free) to observe system performance.

Use all three tools but only one tool at a time.

Begin by observing system performance when the system is lagging and stuttering.

Then make the change that cause the lag and stutters to stop. If possible make only one change at a time.

Look for what changes.

You may need to switch back and forth between lag and no lag, etc.. To disccover potential culprits.

Take your time, be methodical, keep notes., Do not jump to any immediate conclusions.

Capture and print screen shots for reference and comparison purposes.

"however everytime I turn the pcie slot config to gen 3 or use the second pcie slot which is gen 3 at default, the lag and stutters go away, does anyone know what exactly is happening to my pc?"

Use Task Manager, Resource Monitor, and Process Explorer (Microsoft, free) to observe system performance.

Use all three tools but only one tool at a time.

Begin by observing system performance when the system is lagging and stuttering.

Then make the change that cause the lag and stutters to stop. If possible make only one change at a time.

Look for what changes.

You may need to switch back and forth between lag and no lag, etc.. To disccover potential culprits.

Take your time, be methodical, keep notes., Do not jump to any immediate conclusions.

Capture and print screen shots for reference and comparison purposes.
Hi, I've monitored the pc for a day before with the lags and stutters, however there doesn't seem anything out of the ordinary-no weird programs running, cpu/gpu/ram memory is all under 30% load, temps are also pretty cool all under 55degrees celcius, in power/voltage usage also pretty normal, and even checked event viewer but no errors/criticals or any failures(Ive also reinstalled windows but no fix).
Is it possible the board(or maybe the gpu) is faulty and cannot handle the signal integrity of a pcie gen 4 bandwidth that leads to the random stutterings?
Re: "Is it possible the board(or maybe the gpu) is faulty and cannot handle the signal integrity of a pcie gen 4 bandwidth that leads to the random stutterings?"

Do not know the answer to that per se.

I would start by addressing the PSU concerns posted by @logainofhades.

However, it appears that you have done that to some extent; however, did you use only the cables that came with the ROG STRIX 650 W PSU?

This motherboard?

[Verify that I found the correct User Manual.]

Review the motherboard manual and work through it step by step to ensure that all connections are correct, fully and firmly in place, and the applicable component correctly configured with respect to the overall build.

Also look in Reliability History/Monitor for error codes, warnings, or informational events that correspond with the times that the system lags and stutters. Reliability History/Monitor is much more end user friendly than Event Viewer and the timeline format may reveal some pattern.

Another tool to use is Process Explorer (Microsoft, free).

You may be able to spot some change(s) there when the system begins to lag and stutter.
Low end board or not if it supports PCIe 4.0 there shouldn't be any issues with the primary slot. With PCIe issues your likely culprits are: slot/card are damaged or faulty, there's a riser cable or something is going on with the CPU (could be mounting tension or faulty CPU). Swapping equipment around is the only way to determine which it would likely be.
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