So, I've been having this problem the past two weeks, can't remember what started it.
My PC freezes whenever left idle 5+minutes. The weird thing is, it only Freezes when connected to a router and the weirder thing is, it also freezes the router ! and the only thing that'll fix the router is by either force powering off the pc or unplugging the ethernet cable. Tried connected via Wifi, same issue, Tried a 4g usb router, same, so doesn't seem like a network card issue.
The only way to avoid the freeze is to disconnect the PC from any networks, which is weird.
-Tried changing the power settings as suggested from most posts on google, nothing.
-Tried disabling startup services, same thing.
-Tried Error checking on HDDs+SSD, no errors.
-Checked memory, no errors.
-Didn't try removing any hardware components yet, and didn't format either. Leaving those as a last resort.
Anyone knows what might be causing it ?
update: Tried starting in safe mode and leave the pc for the night and it didn't crash
Windows 10 Pro
CPU: i7-3770k
RAM: 32gb DDR 1333mhz
MB: Asus Maximus V
GPU: 2x 780 GTX SLI
PS: 1200watt
My PC freezes whenever left idle 5+minutes. The weird thing is, it only Freezes when connected to a router and the weirder thing is, it also freezes the router ! and the only thing that'll fix the router is by either force powering off the pc or unplugging the ethernet cable. Tried connected via Wifi, same issue, Tried a 4g usb router, same, so doesn't seem like a network card issue.
The only way to avoid the freeze is to disconnect the PC from any networks, which is weird.
-Tried changing the power settings as suggested from most posts on google, nothing.
-Tried disabling startup services, same thing.
-Tried Error checking on HDDs+SSD, no errors.
-Checked memory, no errors.
-Didn't try removing any hardware components yet, and didn't format either. Leaving those as a last resort.
Anyone knows what might be causing it ?
update: Tried starting in safe mode and leave the pc for the night and it didn't crash
Windows 10 Pro
CPU: i7-3770k
RAM: 32gb DDR 1333mhz
MB: Asus Maximus V
GPU: 2x 780 GTX SLI
PS: 1200watt