pc is restarting during games.


Mar 7, 2015
I just posted last month about changing out one of my pcs mobo and upgrading it alil. But all I changed was mobo and cpu.

I have fx6300
8gb corsair ram 1600
1tb hardrive
xfx 550 watt 80 plus
and asus motherboard that I had for awhile but functioned as I would except. But all the parts that I mentioned except fx 6300 and asus mobo. was in the old build which I placed in another pc which was
a8 5600k but it still had the same ram and gpu and psu but mobo was a asrock board which was fm2. And it never had any issues.
But since I changed everything with the asus mobo and fx 6300 and new windows install of 7 x64 pro. I have got random restart. Its only happendd once which was tonight. And it was weird because iv had it lock up during gaming before where I had to restart it but it was the first day put windows and drivers on it so I kinda wrote it off as just new pc drivers kicking in and updates. But after that 1st time it was doing good when I actually got the chances to play it. I played h1z1 for a hour or so with no problem on differnt occasions and had no problem. And last night I played forest which was a game that ran fine on the other mobo and a8 5600k. After about hour to and hour an half. I went into a cave where it did the shutdown and restart. So im kinda baffled by it. Cause I checked bios after restart and the cpu was 36 degree
mobo was 25
Gpu was only 37

I also did meomry diagnosis and it said no memory error was found. So is it the mobo? Or maybe cpu which worked fine before on another board. Or iv heard maybe psu issue but its only maybe 7 months old. And it handled my other build which had 3 case fan fx 8350 16 gig ram and r9 270x oc edition. Since then iv put that with a bigger psu tho.
so any info I will really appreciate guys. Thanks ahead.

Hi there,
Check the fan and airways !
could be dust piling up and preventing the CPU to be able to cool down enough.
most PC's shutdown at a certain temp. to prevent damage !

If not solved: you could send the DUMP-FILE to a specialist (unfortunately not me ;-).
he could localize the correct problem !

Let us know !
Cheers, Louise.

PS: after reboot you can't tell if temperature was too high or not... Did you check also drivers ? usually when changing hardware old drivers should be removed !

Well I cleaned the gpu alil. But other then that there wasnt a spec of dust in the pc. Also there is no bsod codes or no minidump it just like you pressed resart on the pc and came right back on into windows. But after cleaning I fired the game up and played for a hour almost and I went back to the cave and it locked the game up. So im wondering could the game of lockeupand confused the pc to restarting. But all the drivers are all updated and was all redone on the new board and I took it to my local pc tech friend and he cheched all drivers and installed everything when I got a fresh windows install. So im still not understanding really what went ajar but. I figured id ask if the game itself could of. Or any other known things?

Also I heard power strips could cause some power issues. And the powed strip isnt high end by no means but it always worked before but I guess it could be dying off. But to be shure when I last played I pluged directly into outlet and that when the game only locked up. But didnt restart the pc. So is that a possibility as well? The power strip had stuff pluged in all slots. So thats why I ask.?

Some windows updates restart your PC automatically. I hate that. But when in the game you didn't see that popup from windows stating it will restart in 10 min or so, you can postpone that 1, 2 or 4 hours.
Check your updates-history if there was one just before your restart !

Cheers, Louise.

It happen again this time I was able to get minidump that said on whatcrashed. Said it was Ntoskrnl.exe
Whea uncorrectable error
so if anyone could plz help id appreciate it.