I got my new 8x2 rams today, I already have 16gb of ram in my pc, so with this upgrade it would've been 32gb but when I install the new rams, pc doesn't seem to be working. It has been a few hours since I received them and I have tried many solutions that worked for others since then, like updating bios, trying only 2 or 3 ram sticks, changing their placement, trying only the news ones or the old ones, none of them seem to work. Here is some info about the problem, I have an ASRock X570 Motherboard with Ryzen 7 5800x, in which today I changed thermal paste as there was none previously (I had RMAd my cpu and took it to a shop and the guy just directly put the pump on top of the cpu instead of putting some thermal paste on it) I discovered the missing thermal paste today itself, that matter aside the LED Lights on my motherboard (When all 4 rams are in) turn red, there are total 4 LEDs and the last 2 turn red which is the DRAM and CPU LED. But when I have only 2 rams in the LED turns red at the starting but then after a few moments it disappers after changing between the BOOT LED and CPU LED and after this the pc boots normally, one more thing I found is that the B1 and B2 slots are the main culprit, as when I tried the A1 and A2 slots (with all combinations like the new and old ram together or both new rams or both old rams) the pc ran normally, but before this when i was using 8x2 Rams I was using dual channel and my rams were on A2 and B2 Slots. Also the pc restarts before the ASRock Logo, so I cannot go into bios when all the rams are in. The Rams which I am using are : Old ones : HyperX Fury 8x2 and the New Ones : Kingston Fury Beast (Same RAM just the branding has changed from HyperX to Kingston) This is all the info I have right now, please help me regarding this issue