Question PC making a cracking sound while under heavy load. Please help


Dec 5, 2016
I was playing games and due to high gpu temperature (Palit Dual Fan GTX 1060 6GB), it was reaching 80c, I set the fan curve to 100% at 75c. Then it gets down to around 74-75c, I thought that I could lower it more by setting 100% to 72% and I did it.. then I continue to game for about an hour. And suddenly I heard a noise, based on what I hear, like a bee flying inside my pc, followed by a "PAKK" sound. Out of panic I closed my game using task manager and after 2-5min my computer was freezed. I hit restart button and after boot I get a bit of mouse lag, moving around my cursor it was lagging a bit, it never happened before.. I quickly checked my GPU fan and they're still spinning good, no burnt smells whatsoever. But seeing this cursor lagging and I did get a computer freeze before I thought I must've done some kind of damage to my PC, probably PSU? My PSU is around 1 year old, Coolermaster 550w 80+ Bronze. Does anyone has encountered similiar experience?
PS: Sorry for my bad english.
Lol.. I did, my pc is now been turned off for hours.. I immediately shut it down after what happened. What's causing the problem? Heat? PSU? I checked GPU via Palit Thundermaster and it it was fine, thought Im gonna check the voltage later.
were you monitoring CPU temps as well? was the cooler fan still working?

If you cpu cooler is still totally functional than I would suspect your PSU. Its strange that it remained semi functional though....
Yes I was using MSI Afterburner. My CPU temp was around 60-64c, and yes the cooler fan the last time I checked was still spinning. I haven't turned on my PC for a while, I left it powered off after the issue occured.
Oh and maybe this has nothing to do with the issue but at that time when I was playing game, my gpu wasn't at 98%, it was more like 60-70%. And my CPU was always around 60%.
Btw my spec;
Ryzen 5 1600
Asrock AB350 Gaming K4
Palit Dual Fan GTX 1060 6GB
2x8 Team Elite DDR4 2666Mhz
Coolermaster G550M 80+ Bronze
You could remove you psu (or at least unplug it from your parts) and turn it on to see if the it makes noise/smells/fan works. some PSU's come with a test clip, if you dont have that you just have to jump it with a paperclip or something(google how to do it or consult your PSU manual)