Question Pc no longer booting and showing bios


Sep 2, 2019
Recently, i built a pc. Everything went well, i got into the boot screen, finished downloading windows, and all was well. i restarted the computer to finish driver downloads and to turn my ram to xmp profile. I reached the bios, but decided to leave it on like that and got changed. When i was back, the pc was turned off, so i unplugged and relugged the pc back in. I turned it on, and everything was flashing as normal, but i could tell it was not reading the ethernet as it wasn't flashing and same with the keyboard and mouse. When i turned on the monitor, there was no signal, I tried multiple times to restart unplug the psu, but nothing is working. Help is appreciated.
psu is a v750 from cooler master
rest is 1070 ti aero, 1800x, 16gb ram vengeance lpx 3000 mhz.
If you also read the above paragraph you can see that 8 i did indeed already install windows.