Question Pc only accepts direct connections


May 23, 2017
So this is a weird one. I had different problems with my pc, which it cannot startup when my pc monitor screen is turned on first and then my pc. Otherwise it will beep 1 long and 2 short (which is an video card error).

Everything went well until i bought an KVM switch and hooked up my pc to it. No matter what combo i do, i almost have to force shutdown my pc around 5 times until it detects my monitor. when i connect it with my laptop to the kvm switch, everything seems fine, instantly.

do i have to setup my video card differently or am i missing something?

the video cardi have is an EVGA SSC GTX 1050 Ti
a delock 2x1 USB hdmi kvm switch
and further on a 27 inch 0LG monitor with 75 hrz, 1ms and freesync

thanks in advance for anyone who has an idea :)
yeah, now the monitor doesn't respond to any signal anymore, tried 4 different hdmi cables, and settings cannot be changed without an signal. i've already send the monitor to the buyer for repair, but now the same thing happened. it sucks 🙁