[SOLVED] PC only powers on for a split second

Jan 19, 2023
Hey, hoping someone can help me figure out what’s wrong with my PC.

I built my first PC back in 2020 and it’s worked fine till now, when it suddenly just powered off and I’ve been unable to power it back up again. It will only power up for a split second and I can see my CPU cooler’s RGB light up.

Here’s a video of what it looks like: View: https://imgur.com/a/8Y2E4Ds

I’ve gone through some troubleshooting online. I’ve purchased a new power cable and tried multiple working outlets. I’ve tried the paper clip test on PSU and the fan spins, indicating the PSU is fine. Lastly, I’ve tried jumpstarting my motherboard which works but to same effect, i.e. only for a split second.

Since it won’t power on for longer than that, I’m unable to do a POST test but I’ve tried reseating all my components (except the CPU) and have tried to boot my PC with only one RAM stick, CPU and CPU cooler. I’ve also done a CMOS clear and drained the capacitors.

I feel I’ve exhausted the amount of troubleshooting I have been able to find online and understood how to do myself. Based on my understanding, it seems my motherboard is the problem here, but I'm not fully sure. I guess my main question is did my jumpstart of the motherboard work as it should have?

I’m thinking either it did “work” and it powers off almost immediately due to some other hardware issue. Or that it won’t boot longer than a split second despite the jumpstart indicates it isn’t working and my motherboard is kaput. I've been advised by someone on Reddit that the debug LEDs should be lighting up no matter what and that since they're not it means does indeed mean my motherboard is busted. However, I'd like to get some more opinions on this before I replace my motherboard. So is this true?

My build should be fine since it worked for almost two years, but here it is for info: https://ca.pcpartpicker.com/list/FDsgCL

I'd try and test a known working power supply. Clip test does not prove it's good.

I'd try and test a known working power supply. Clip test does not prove it's good.

I'd try and test a known working power supply. Clip test does not prove it's good.

Thank you so much. I didn't have easy access to other power supplies so I'd held off on that test thinking the paperclip test was enough. But your comment prompted me to look into that further and it turns out my PSU was indeed the problem.