Question PC Performance - Help!!

Feb 26, 2024
I'm not quite sure how, but I believe I have a really really REALLY unique situation that I cant seem to get out of. I had wanted to get into getting a computer for gaming as I hadn't been into it before. I started with an MSI prebuilt, and to keep it short, it was performing really well for about 10-11 days. After the 10-11 days, the performance had significantly decreased. The frames I was getting in games just were not the same and I had started getting constant frame stutters in game. After returning the computer I had figured I would buy another one hoping it was only a defected computer. Turns out, after buying another prebuilt, the following 10-11 games, the frames had once again dropped, and performance had gone to a low. After finding myself frustrated as ever, I had figured I might just build my own. After building my now current custom built computer, the SAME thing has happened. Through THREE systems, they had all, after a few days, dropped in performance. Even after reinstalling drivers, trying consistent fixes, nothing seems to work. Please somebody help me!! Also, Im not sure if this helps, however, on every time that my pc had dropped performance, I had noticed some of my settings in game were different after a few days even after not touching them. For example, I would have my FPS capped to 144, and then going back into the game, it would be uncapped; the cap was changed somehow? Also, seeing in the settings "Game requires a restart before changes can be made" indicating that SOME sort of change had been made without me doing it manually. Through three systems!!! Please help!
Check background processes and installed to make sure you don't have things running you don't need. Things such as multiple virus scanners, add in toolbars, and other junk that tends to come with downloads if you aren't watching what (else) it is installing.

Also of consideration, are these games legit from somewhere like Stream and so forth, or cracked torrents?
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