PC performance in new games....


Aug 14, 2001
i havew noticed poor performance on new games a which are graphically better......i think that my pc is somewhat up to par and should be running them better.....what i think it is is memory but ill let you guys look at my specs and lemme know.......in the middle of a game like Ghost recon when th action gets intense the pc begins to struggle and the gameplay is very choppy and poor.......i have come to think that it can be only 2 things......memory or harddrive for they are the 2 oldest componets of my pc......

amd athlon 950mhz
via k133 msi motherboard
geforce2 mx 32mb
160mb ram pc-133------>do i need more?...will 512 more help?
15gb 5200rpm maxtor---->is this slowing me down?

the rest of the pc is basically normal nothing else specail ....also nothing is overclocked.......so i am thinking that i need more ram because i know that the performance i am getting on game now is not as good as i should be getting with my cpu and graphics card.....

any suggestions?...thx
That 950 is paired up well with the mx.

You'd need a Ultra to notice any difference, for which, you'd need a 1.1g or a 1.2g.
It's surprising how much processor time these damn games chew up.

Rich is the nation that has many war heroes. Long since forgotten...
Your video card won't handle all games, you need 64mb. Your Ram is OK. Your HHD is that ATA 33/66/100. 66 being OK,but being next in line.

defrage is child's play-fdisk
If you notice stuttering during heavy on-screen action, the most likely source would be the Graphics card. You didn't say what resolution you were playing at, but since you are using an MX card...I generally wouldn't venture above 800x600 or 1024x768 at the most. The MX's bandwidth really gets slapped around by some of the newer games. I was playing GhostRecon on an Intel866 and it ran butter smooth, but that's probably because I have a 64MB GTS.

Hope this helps.

i do not intend to get too off topic here, but where is everyone getting copies of ghost recon already? i thought it wasn't coming out for a few weeks yet

whats a signature?
I think you should buy some more ram, at least 256 pc-133. I believe 256 ram is the least a pc must have. It may help a little and it doesn't cost too much! You don't have anything to lose...
Yes you must know the right place where to download from

contact me if you want the link
From your description, it sounds like your video card, so if you can afford a high-end card, go for that.

What you could do to test if its your RAM is find a friend, borrow a SIMM, and try it with more memory. Honestly, though, memory is so cheap that you may as well buy some because it will make your overall system performance better. Just spend as little as possible on PC133 because it is completely obsolete in performance systems. Given your other specs, you probably will never need 512MB--adding a 128MB SIMM to your 160 will give you a solid 288.

You shouldn't sink too much money into upgrading your system, however, unless what you upgrade will transfer to a new system in a year or so when you want to make a jump with a new mobo & CPU.

Things that will transfer: high-end video card, big 7200rpm HD.

Save the children :smile:
First of All,
Do u have DDR ram or SDRAM???
Your Graphic cart is slow.
Upgrade to GeForce 2 MX400, if ur budget is more try upgrade to GeForce 2 Titanium and for extremely great graphics go 4 the ATI Radeon 7500 (R7500 is a little expensiver)
Dude, this post is 3 months old. You're not really helping anyone, they're long gone.

<font color=orange>Quarter</font color=orange> <font color=blue>Pounder</font color=blue> <font color=orange>Inside</font color=orange>
I've been looking for that 486 thread, cause I've been wanting to get that wonderful NPU for my 486 SX. And though a little info on installing it might help. Can't wait, I'm gonna fly and no worries, I have 8 MB of ram so I can handle anything that's out there. Bring it on I can handle it. With Dos 7 and win 3.1 who's gonna stop me, and if I'm feeling saucey I may upgrade to a 14:4 modem. Woot woot. Anyhoo, I hate to be braging here, but this machine is gonna walk all over the competition.
send me 5 bux and I'll send ya the win 3.11 workgroups upgrade for your win 3.1 lol


<b><font color=blue>Checking under my north AND south bridges for trolls</font color=blue>
My old old old 486 (which I don't even have now) could play all the latest and greatest games of its time.

AMD technology + Intel technology = Intel/AMD Pentathlon IV; the <b>ULTIMATE</b> PC processor
I had my 486dx33 o/c'd to right around 58mhz. Best buy I've ever made. God, those were the days when processors overclocked. Sure, it locked up if I didn't have the side panels off and a house fan blowing on it, but it could crank out Wing Commander 1&2 along with Xwing. Screw using the Force; I *WAS* the Force.

Back in those days, 60hz on a monitor all day really gave you a splitting headache. I'd have to take a nap on Saturday and Sunday afternoons just to get rid of it...
