Question PC shutting itself down


Aug 18, 2013

My PC has gone through various issues and i've resolved previous ones by installing fresh windows onto a new SSD and getting rid of old Hardrives
I also took everything out to give it a good clean out of dust. For a week or so it was fine then suddenly it would turn of for a matter of seconds and then shut itself off.

I thought this was a CPU and cooling system issue because I took it off the plate. I gave it a fresh coat of thermal paste.

But I am still getting shut down.

It bounces between turn on for a second or two
Turning on, loading Windows and then as i try to do something e.g load internet, load settings it shuts itself down.

What's happening?

I've tried:
Unplugging everything and leaving core wires
Tested RAM cards one at a time
Testing Hard drives one at a time
Tried testing the front PC wires and even did the short circuit trick

But all of the results were the same - the PC can't run for very long before it shuts down.

Any suggestions or other things I should test?