Question PC Slow to start?


Oct 10, 2008
Hello. So my pc is very slow powering up for the first time daily. Once it finally turns on I can turn it on and off with it starting right back up.

I assumed it was the powering supply and bought a new one.
Also bought a new power strip that it plugs into.
And it does not seem to be the power button connection. I have colored fans inside and they will spin up but thats it. Have to keep trying and then it finally turns all the way on.
Any suggestions would be appreciated 😁😁


Mar 2, 2023
If you're still running Windows 7 and you haven't re-installed the OS since you bought/built the PC, the Windows Registry might be getting clogged with obsolete or spurious entries. A fresh install of Windows should fix this.

As 'Order 66' asked, if Windows is not running from an SSD, it will be slower when booting from a hard disk.

There is also the possibility your hard disk (if you have one) is developing bad blocks and is on its way out.

I hope you keep adequate backups of all personal data in case the drive dies.
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Order 66

Grand Moff
Apr 13, 2023
If you're still running Windows 7 and you haven't re-installed the OS since you bought/built the PC, the Windows Registry might be getting clogged with obsolete or spurious entries. A fresh install of Windows should fix this.

As 'Order 66' asked, if Windows is not running from an SSD, it will be slower when booting from a hard disk.

There is also the possibility your hard disk (if you have one) is developing bad blocks and is on its way out.

I hope you keep adequate backups of all personal data in case the drive dies.
You do know you can mention people in posts like so: @Misgar, right?


Oct 10, 2008
So yes the PC is booting off a SSD with windows 10 and then have a normal hard drive for storage.
So it sounds like a fresh install of windows will hopefully fix this. Think I will just get a new bigger SSD and leave out the other harddrive.
Thanks for the advice. I will report back once i try the new drive and fresh install.

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