Question Pc sometimes fails to boot, and if it does, the ssd underperforms heavily

Jan 2, 2025
As said in the title, the boot si already a cointoss as to if it will work, but if it does boot, everything seems fine, until stress is applied onto anything the ssd (The biggest offender is steam updating games) task manager says 50% of the ssd is being used, while the actual speed of it is shrinked down to less than 5mb/s from hundreds. I suspected a hardware issue, but using crystaldiskinfo, the health of it was said to be 100%. I also have an hdd in the system, but after removing it, the problem persisted. Any help would be appreciated

OS: Windows 10 with latest updates
SSD: kingston SNV2S2000G, less than a 1/4 full, is split into 2 seperate storages on file explorer and boot, and around a year old bought brand new when pc was built.
PSU: Corsair CV550, 550W, around a year old, bought brand new when pc was built.
HDD: kingspec 1TB sata ssd, 1/2 full, around 2-3years old and has had performance issues before aswell, was bought brand new back then.

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More information needed.

Update your post to include full system hardware specs and OS information.

PSU: make, model, wattage, age, condition (original to build, new, refurbished, used)?

Disk drive(s): make, model, capacity, how full?

Open the Disk Management window, expand so all can be seen. Take a screenshot and post the screenshot here via imgur (
As said in the title, the boot si already a cointoss as to if it will work,
It could be your Windows installation is damaged (to some extent).

Try running sfc /scannow and dism.

You could also run chkdsk /f /r

Also diskclean to get rid of GB of recent Windows Updates

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